Dopamine is not a legit reason to want to "date" someone.

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Dopamine is not a legitimate reason to want to "date" someone, in my opinion.

So this kid that I hardly know at all, (literally. I know his name. And his face. And that's pretty much it.) and he started texting me today, which he sometimes does on a cold day in february,  and he says that he thinks i'm cute. Means I never recieve complimets reguarding my physical appearance, I replied with "well thanks."

And then he says he wants to "date" me? (If you know me in any way shape or form you probably know why I use the quotation marks.)  Ah... what the heck? I mean, I know I'm no expert in the field, but, ah, this kid doens't even know me. And that's what I told him. What does he reply with? "What should I know?"

What? What do you mean "what should I know?" I don't know, how about ME?

What I like, what I don't like, my views on things, my personality? You should probably know what you're getting into.

Like I said, I'm no expert in the field. In my humble opinion, you should probably be friends with your boyfriend/girlfriend first. It just seems like common sense to me.

I don't know. Ignorance irks me.

Don't know what dopamine is? Watch the video over to the side there. It's pure brilliance. :)

Just Some Ramblings of Mine..Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant