Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist?

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I kinda watched it for the first time last night....

It's marvelous. I'm kinda in love with it.

So... whenever I declare that I'm in love with a piece of literature or media...

I have to put my favourite parts. I just have to. Sorry.


Norah: This is amazing! You are literally like my musical soul mate.

Norah: There's this part of Judaism that I like. Tikun Olam. It said that the world is broken into pieces and everyone has to find them and put them back together.

Nick: Maybe we don't have to find it. Maybe we are the pieces.

Thom: You just haven't figured it out yet, have you.

Nick: What?

Thom: ...The big picture!

Nick: I guess not.

Thom: The Beatles.

Nick: What about them?

Thom: This.

[grabs Nick's hand]

Thom: Look, other bands, they want to make it about sex or pain, but you know, The Beatles, they had it all figured out, okay? "I Want to Hold Your Hand." The first single. It's effing brilliant, right?... That's what everybody wants, Nicky. They don't want a twenty-four-hour hump sesh, they don't want to be married to you for a hundred years. They just want to hold your hand.

Norah: I also have a confession. 

Nick: What? 

Norah: Before Tal, I never really... kissed anyone until tonight. 

Nick: Really? 

Norah: Yeah. Unless you count Becca Weiner at camp when I was 13. 

Nick: I do! I do count Becca Weiner! 

Norah: You do? 

Nick: I don't know who wouldn't. You'd have to be a fool not to count her.

Nick: So what is your favorite song? 

Norah: Well my favorite verse was "The way you're moving in your sleep, the way you look before you leap. The strange illusions that you keep. You don't know that I'm noticing." 

Nick: I wrote that.

Norah: All right, no stopping, okay? No stopping for anything. I don’t care if Brad Pitt is selling fruit in a thong on the GW.


Anyway, there are others I enjoyed an awful lot, but I can't find them on the internet and I don't want to quote them wrong.


But I absolutely love that movie. I really ought to read the book. I usually hate to watch movies before I read the book, but in this case, it's what I did. I'm not exactly proud of it, but what do you do?

So anyway... Yeah.

♫♪It don't mean a thang if it ain't got that swang♪♫

(I don't know where that came from. Don't ask.)

Just Some Ramblings of Mine..Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora