Urban Dictionary makes me smile.

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Oh, my...

I searched my name on Urban Dictionary, because, well, I've no life, and I pounced upon the third definition... and I was shocked by the wonderful and yet somehow dreadful similiarity it has to me. I couldn't resist posting this to the Wattpad community.. because... well... yeah. I've no reason. So without further to do...

the third definition of Haley on Urban Dictionary:

A person of the female race who falls under any or all of these catgories:

1. a very absent-minded person who just "isn't there" all the time

2. someone who cannot listen to anything but an ipod without getting confused.

3. a person who often is told (jokingly) that they have a.d.d. due to the fact that they have no attention span

5. is very short

6. often a music geek/drama geek

7. known to have so many inside jokes that they often forget which ones are from which friends

heheh, oh my...

Just Some Ramblings of Mine..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang