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Well... Children... I'm gonna be a sister once again!

If you know me well, (which few people do) you'll know that I have quite a few siblings... Just to prove it to yoiu... here's a list of my siblings and I in order by age:

Joseph Steven (31)

Jason Michael (27)

Rebecka Suzanne (25)

Haley Michelle (14)

Steven Nolan (5)

Jordan Lynn (5)

Johnathon Gene (4)

Serina Joe (3)

... and the ages vary.. as you can tell. (Steven and Jordy are not twins, Steven will be 6 in December.)

Also... just so you don't flip out... they aren't all biological.

Joey, Jason and Rebecka are my step-dads.

I am the only result of my biological parents.

Steven Nolan is my mothers & my step-dads.

Jordy, Johnathon, and Serina are my dad's girlfriend's.

So.. as you can tell.. there are many possible ways that I can be a sister once again.

So... who are the parents of my future sibling?

*insert drumroll here*

Dad and Jessica.


I'm happy for them... as long as things work out...

because it'd be an understatement to say that they've had some problems.

And that little boy/girl/both/I don't know she's not far along(although I have a gut feeling that it will be a boy) will NOT go through the same crap I did. I won't have it. I'm just hoping and praying that I was just the test subject and that everything will work out wonderfully with this one.


but yeah... I love kids... so I'm pretty exited...

I just hope that my future sibling will have a "real" family.

All my siblings have a "real" family... I mean... of course it's a little screwed up, aren't all families? Mines just a smidgen more haywire... and I hope that's not going to be the case for this one too.

So yeahp... Just wanted to announce the fact that just because you have a 30some year old brother doesn't mean that you can't have another one on the way!

Just Some Ramblings of Mine..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora