''Name it. Name your price and I'll pay,'' I place my offer to him, thinking that he will take it but he is smarter than I gave him credit for.

''Oh I see what you're doing there Theo. You're cunning aren't you?'' he laughs. ''But no. Tell me this, do you think Athena would want you buying her out? We both know how independent she is. She would never take the money from you.''

''I'm well aware of that. You forget that I'm her mate,'' I state, trying to hide the proud smile forming on my face. ''Which brings me to my next matter of discussion.'' I straighten myself and glance at him. He seems to be on edge now as he averts his gaze from me and looks elsewhere.

''Why do I feel that that's the main reason you're here?'' he squints his eyes at me in suspicion.

''You've got good instincts haven't you? it's a good quality, especially for an alpha. Which makes me wonder where your instincts were when you started dating my mate, knowing fully well who she was, where she comes from and what that mark on her neck stands for,'' I ask him calmly, my voice however,laced with anger.

''I...I...ummm...look Theo, I admit I was wrong but I'm not going to apologize for dating Athena. I didn't force myself on her. The feelings were mutual,'' he defends himself.

''No, no you didn't. but that doesn't make it right does it? Athena has no memory of me, of us,'' I tell him morosely, '' but you knew, you met us during the alpha meeting last year, yet you still went ahead and dated her, didn't you feel an ounce of shame?''

''To be honest, I was skeptical at first. And yes I saw the mark, I knew she was mated to you. Call it as you would like it Theo. I was selfish, I like her, I saw an opportunity and I took it okay! There it is, is that what you wanted to hear?'' he shouts, throwing his hands up in the air.

''Precisely,'' I reply then get up from my chair. 

''That's it? You're leaving?!''

''I believe my work here is done, so yes, I'm leaving. Unless you have something more to say to me?'' I quirk an eyebrow at him.

''Goddess! You two are made for each other, how much vaguer can you both be?'' he says in frustration.

''Well, at least there is something that we both agree on,'' I smirk.

Leo sighs and runs a hand over his head in frustration. ''I never stood a chance, did I?''

''The sad part is, you thought you did,'' I reply and walk out of his office.


''I heard you were working this weekend? Boy am I glad I was off,'' Nancy smiles at me when I walk in the office on Monday morning.

''Heyy...morning. How was the trip?'' I smile at her in return. ''Okay......what just happened here? it's still morning isn't it? Why are you in a good mood?'' Nancy follows me in.

''Well for one, I had a very productive weekend and secondly, I had an eye opening revelation,'' I tell her.

''What did you smoke Athena? how high are you?'' she whispers lowly.

''I'm perfectly fine Nancy. If anything, I'm high on life,'' i smile widely at her. 

''Okay then, let me make your day even more better. Just a second,'' she says and walks out.She comes back a few minutes later with a bag in hand, ''Leftover lasagna for you,'' she hands it to me.

''Eeeehhh thank you,'' I squeal in delight. ''I promise to call your mom and personally thank her.''

''She'd love that I'm sure,'' she smiles then goes back to her desk. I put the lasagna in my mini fridge lest it goes bad. I would be a wasted of that delicious sauce.

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