"Aw that is so cute, so I guess he admitted to liking you?" Tyler comes back just as she asks the question and he looks at me, also waiting for an answer with Amanda.

"I mean he introduced me as his girlfriend to the Penn State wrestling team," I say casually like it is nothing. Tyler chokes on his water as Amanda hits him repeatedly, her eyes as big as saucers. I give him an apologetic look as he grabs her little wrists in his hands trying to stop her assault.

The waitress comes back as Tyler continues to restrain Amanda, she pulls her arms from him and looks at me, "Ah you will say more about that, but first let's order." We all order breakfast for dinner and laugh as we realize we did it all by accident.

"So his girlfriend," Tyler prys, giving me a suggestive look. Amanda has the same look on her face as they both stare me down. Before I can answer he stops me holding up a hand and looking at someone behind me with a surprised look. "Dude over here," he says to whoever he is looking at.

Matt slides into the booth next to me as I look at him in shocked confusion, "Hi?"

"I was driving home and saw you Jeep, I figured I would crash since you are here to talk about me." I can't help the smile on my face as I wrap my arms around his neck excited he came. "Did you guys order?"

"Yeah we just did, hold on," Amanda waves down our waitress so Matt can order. He ends up also getting breakfast but that may potentially be because I wanted an omelet and settled on the Nutella banana french toast, so I figured if he got that we could share meals.

"So what do they know?" he asks, putting his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close and kissing my head softly.

"Well sadly I nearly lost my dinner before I even got it," Tyler complains, banging his head against the table. Tyler lifts it back up looking around the table and adding, "Also congrats on the sex, I see it has made you more tolerable as a human."

"Wait that is valid, you're losing your edge Matt," Amanda adds while rubbing Tyler's forehead that he just banged on the table. Matt looks completely offended at the suggestion that he is losing his edge. He is, but you can't tell him that, in his head he is still the tough bad boy he always was.

"Like fucking hell I am," he snorts as our food comes. I don't even wait for Matt's permission, instead I just grab the extra plates putting one slice of french toast on it for him then grabbing another and putting half the omelet on it for myself. Amanda gives him a pointed look as I look up innocently nibbling on a Nutella covered banana. "This proves nothing."

We eat quietly, Amanda continually giving me looks the entire time we eat. When we are done Amanda points to my lips giggling and says, "You've got Nutella on your lip, Syd."

Matt grabs my chin with his hand turning my face toward him before leaning in and kissing the Nutella on my lip before sticking his tongue out to lick the rest off. I feel the goosebumps rising on my arms as he pulls back giving me a soft smile, "I got it."

"You should get going, you have a Physics quiz tomorrow and it is already 7:00," I remind Matt as he lets go of my chin and we move away a little. I am glad for the space as I feel like I am burning up from Matt's look and soft touch.

"Oh shit, that is tomorrow, we should go too," Amanda adds looking at Tyler who pulled out his phone during the Nutella clean up moment, probably as a distraction.

"Babe I need to run to the store for Lacrosse stuff. I need to get a new stick and I don't want to keep you, is there anyway someone else can drive you?" Amanda looks at me and I look at Matt knowing they live only a few blocks from each other.

Fighting Handsome Satan (book 1) Where stories live. Discover now