Book III-Chapter 102, Angels, Demons, Ray Burgess and Para-Sails

Start from the beginning

The Restaurant was busy but they were able to get three round tables that would seat 4 each and 1 high chair and one booster seat for Roger and Barry. Even with a booster seat Roger was too low for the table so he got the highchair. He wanted to sit with "Pwince and Behwa" which they welcomed. Ray just shook his head smiling from ear to ear. The boys had 2 pancakes and maple syrup and turkey bacon. The adults had an adult portion of the same. They also had some scrambled eggs. After their meal, Ray took his sons to the rest room and Jeannette took Anna Elizabeth to the woman's lounge and changed her diaper. When they returned to the table, Roger told everyone, "I washed my hands really good. I sang Happy Birthday twice so it would be 22 seconds. Everybody should wash their hands for 22 seconds and then they don't get sick", he said in a very serious tone nodding his head up and down. Carlos and Prince did everything they could not to, but still cracked up laughing until their eyes watered. Roger looked at them like they were crazy. "Okay then don't and you will get sick, but not me" he said wandering off to ask his dad where his pail and shovel were. Carlos paid the bill and they each checked the beach bags they had brought down from the room with them. All of the men had on their swimming trunks and lightweight shirts. All the women but Jeannette had on bathing suits and a cover up. Jeannette was wearing shorts "None of my suits fit" weight she said. "Come on girl...we have a suit to find", Bella said.

Ray took Anna Elizabeth from her mother and smiled as Elaine, Bella and Jeannette headed for the one of the little shops up the concourse of the hotel. Prince and his friends really knew how to make newcomers into their world feel comfortable. Melvin and Ross went with them. It only took 20 minutes to find a delightful suit in Aqua. She looked really good in it too. She still had a little pooch in her abdomen from giving birth but she had a killer figure. She looked in the mirror at herself and smiled and reached in her beach bag for her wallet. "Our treat" Bella said and smiling again, Jeannette thanked them profusely. She pulled her shorts over her suit and Elaine handed her a cover up she had found to match and they returned to the table. "So, are we ready to go" Ray asked? Jeannette was all smiles. "Yes", she said and the group took off walking to the private beach. Carlos arranged for the lounge chairs for them all, while Prince took care of the arrangements to Para-Sail. Frank was okay with them doing it, but insisted on one of his men being in each of the boats that pulled the 4. Ray would stay with his family during that activity. Roger had some serious holes to dig in the sand to pour water into and Barry and Ray Jr. were interested in building a sand castle. Jeannette made certain all of her men including Ray Sr. were covered in sunblock as was she and Anna Elizabeth who was comfortable in just a diaper in her converted car seat under the shade of an umbrella. The 4 and their Security Team slathered themselves with sunblock and the 4 laid out. The team who was accustomed to looking inconspicuous did exactly that in strategic places around where the four were laying. Their appointment to Para-Sail was at 1:00. It was 12:15 now. They would relax, maybe take a swim and then Para-Sail and then go on the hunt for some lunch.

Bella and Elaine had pulled their seats closer to Jeannette who was on a blanket with Anna Elizabeth in her carryall. Anna had drifted off to sleep and Jeannette was reading a magazine. Knowing that sometimes quiet time was preferred, which they knew she did not get a lot of, they did not try to engage her in endless conversation. Rather they allowed their presence to be an offer of friendship that she could accept on her terms. When she finished the article she was reading, she turned the conversation to Ray's and her love of Prince's music as she got up and sat in one of the chaise lounges. "Ray took me to a concert in Chicago shortly after we got married while we were visiting my parents and Prince was playing in a nice little club. He had just done a summer in residence in Detroit which is where Ray first heard him play at The Stork Club I believe. He had instantly become a follower of his music and after hearing him I did the same. His talent is beyond anything that I have ever seen or heard before or since. Frankly, I am also impressed with his devotion to you. That is very unusual for someone who does what he does on the level that he does it". Elaine was listening closely to what she was saying as well as Bella. She sincerely hoped she did not ask what so many people did...something to the effect of aren't you afraid that he will become a player some day? She didn't though. She moved on to how much the two of them seemed to love kids and asked if they both wanted a big family. Bella shared that they were thinking about 4 children and said both she and Elaine were looking forward to motherhood. Bella and Elaine were quite surprised that she did not ask about fearing unfaithfulness. Finally Bella decided she wanted to know why and asked her. Jeannette smiled and said "please look at my husband". Both Elaine and Bella did.

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