Chapter 6: Goddess In Little White Dress.

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So after reading and writing my other chapter. I finally decide to let you guys get inside of Austin mind. And here it is. A chapter in Austin P.O.V

Read and tell me what you think of this guys.



I had once believe that I had found the one, but who knew how wronged I was. I though I loved Camila, but I suppose I tried so hard to make myself fall deeper for her, when my heart obviously didn't want to- and with that we just lost the connection. I was happy with her and I couldn't lie. She was beautiful, and a down to earth person and she was the perfect girl, but I don't believe she was my perfect girl. I love her, but not enough for our connection to bloom every day we passed together. Even after loosing the special thing we owned, I still tried to convince myself that I wanted her and that our connection wasn't lessen itself. But I suppose there was a time to call it a quit.

Along that long journey, I had my happiness and sadly I had lost and one of the gravest lost was, Becky. Gosh I can't believe how I could have lost her. She was an amazing down to earth young woman. She was perfect in every single way. She had dark brown hair that she had added light hazel highlight during the year. Her eyes where just so breath taking. It was like taking in a couple air of fresh life. They where a light chocolate like color. One look could leave you breathless. Her small body was curvy and tan, she was exceedingly short, about 5'2 now and she had a cute toothed gap, which was what made her stand out from everyone, and who doesn't like a girl who just stands out. She wasn't simply something to admire, but she was something to keep. Her personality was just a recipe of all the fragrance in the world. She was famous, but never let fame get to her head. She was grateful for the things she received and was never faze to show where she came from and her journey. She was a down to earth person, with the warmness heart someone could have ever come across and she was just a bubble full of delight and joy

I thought what I felt for her was nothing but a mere friendship. Okay I can't lie to myself, before while recording Magik and going on tour together, I had a small thing for her, I mean who wouldn't have fallen for her and that small thing had grown over the year and how much I wanted to kiss her at the Premios Juventud, everyone though it was all in the script, but I wanted badly to just taste those pink lips of hers and after the fact she said she would say yes about a date with me. I mean I got nothing she was saying through the interview, except when they were taunting her about liking the Pitbull performance because of me and when one of her fans ask her the question which I needed Google translate for, but I couldn't hold back the size of the smile upon hearing her answer and the blush that appeared on her cheek. My smile looked like I had been given a great deal of gold, which I guess I did.

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