Chapter 21: One Or Two

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Oh baby chapter 21: One Or Two.
I'm so sorry guys, obviously I don't know anything about this subject. I'm not pregnant and far away even thinking about that. So the emotions or probably lacking and I am sorry, maybe later in life, I will come back and rewrite this. But this will have to do for now.

Emotional chapter.

-----> Watch video on the side, it helps seeing a visual.

------> gif of Santana Lopez from glee on the side.



''Becky'' yelled Sarah from downstairs. I locked myself away in my room after I had asked her to buy me the foreign item; that I would ever consider needing in my late twenties or early thirties, but not now. Not when I have eyes on me 24/7. I had flash everywhere, my life wasn't normal, normal people don't get flashed in the face every corner they turn too.

I love being famous, my passion was being shown to the most amazing fans. But we all think of all the glamorize proclaim by the media, but let me tell you this, from a celebrity perspective- being famous is a curse. You have to be perfect in the public eye. A billion deeds in a lifetime, could be long forgotten because of one mistake.

Being famous comes with a price, and the unstoppable flash is the price being paid.

''Becky'' a knock echoed in the silent of my room, I let out a breath. Frankie had given me some space after he returned with my water. I stayed in the safety of my bathroom, hoping he wouldn't detect my tears. Getting up from my bed, I step toward the door. Opening it, I was met with Sarah eyes as they both studied me. I didn't know what was the cause of my weight becoming unbearable to hold as I collapse in her arm in tears, but I did. I sobbed in her arm, as if I had just learned to cry.

This feeling was new to me. The feeling of knowing when you scrēw up and theirs nothing you can do about it. The feeling of knowing that your not perfect. The feeling of thinking you had it all, but it all comes crashing down. Perfection is a never ending cycle. We should all just let it go, because perfection had been buried deep down in the burning pit of hell, because no one is perfect and the sooner we accept that, the better.

''Come on, let's just do the test. It could all be just a misunderstanding, you can also not be pr-.....'' She stopped herself from ending the word, knowing my state was fragile. She helped me back on my feet, with her support she taught me to walk again, we headed to the bathroom. She dropped her bag, I took a seat on then toilet lid.

Opening her bag, she took out a white pharmacy paper bag. Handing it to me, my shaky hand reaching out, taking it from her.

''Just to be 100% sure, I bought three pack from different brands''

I stare at the three box in my lap, they were my nightmare becoming a reality. I snapped back to reality with Sarah grasping my hand in a tight, calming grip. She stare at me, begging for my eyes to meet hers until I do so.

''I'm here for you, I'm here to stay'' she say, a smile claiming her lips. Her words brought me some strength as she let go of my hand, she left me to my privacy. Opening the first pink and white box, I follow procedure that were well described on each box until finally, three pregnancy stick laid on my counter with me waiting anxiously.

''Can I come in'' knock Sarah. Her head popping inside the room, she walked toward me as I still sat on the toilet seat. She took my hand in hers, offering me her support and strength.

Silent laid in the atmosphere. Neither of us spoke through the silent. It was by far from soothing, it was long agonizing and breaking me the more I though of what answer awaits on the stick. One line, I was not pregnant and it had been all along a pregnancy scare,but I doubt it was. Or it could be two line, meaning I was indeed pregnant.

The beeping broke the silent. I was quick to get up, slowly stepping to the counter. I took hold of all the tests, my breath harsh and heart pounding. I stare at my answer, my eyes sting with tears. My throat clotting up, my hand went up to my lips, blocking the sob.

Why me?

Why me?

I was never the one to make other feel ashamed of themselves. I love others and treat them like I should be treated.

I guess the saying was right. The one with the purest heart, don't always guarantee the brightest fate.

I broke down, my leg feeling weak. Sarah was quick to catch me, I held on to her arm and sobbed heartily into her chest.

Was this the feeling. Was this the feeling of when we actually have a reason to really cry.

''Becky what was it'' she quietly ask, knowing the answer, but needing to hear me say it-some sort of reassurance

I remember it. Fresh in mind, the two red line. They were two, not one. They were two just as my heartbeat twice before I picked all three of them.



Two chapter uploaded.

Yass thanks to all for residing.

Lots more coming soon.




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