Chapter 27: Frankie Boo Boo

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Chapter 27: Frankie Boo Boo

This is written at two in the morning, I barely understand what I wrote. Enjoy.

-------> picture on the side is of Giselle and Frankie.

Have you guys watch the bad blood video by taylor, not anything related to the story, but it was good. Do you guys like it?


weeks 8


Frankie as a girlfriend- Lord blessed that poor girl.

I recall telling Austin this, he grinned at me saying his Frankie boi was becoming a man. I clearly remember laughing so hard, that I thought I would had the baby sooner than due delivery.

With that being said, so you could imagine me, once I met Frankie girlfriend- She was beautiful. How he got her, even I can't seemed to process it all; my little brother got no game.

Giselle, even her name was beautiful. She was petite, shorter than Frankie by a lot. She had dark lock that cascade down her back in straight waves. She was tanned and had beautiful chocolate brown eyes. She was 14, a year younger than Frankie. She had fair skin, with no freckles or birth mark. She was a bubbly girl, but a tomboy by heart.

How did this all happen? You'd ask. Well, if Frankie didn't BS me with the story. It all started when Frankie spilled his hot French vanilla all over poor Giselle and him being his "gentlemen self" (His words, not mine) brought her to the nurse, and that's how it all beginne.

''Frankie boo boo'' I pinched his cheek, pecking the tip of his nose. His face flushed, a glare thrown my way as I heard the giggle of Gigi beside him.

''Baby boo, what's wrong'' I pouted, fake sadness put on display. I heard more laughter beside him. He was red, a scowl plastered on his lips.

''No no'' I cooed him in a baby like manner, shaking my finger from side to the other. I held up my finger poking his nose with a small giggle.

''Mommy got to feed you some milk'' I pulled him close to me. Holding him tight against my chest. My eyes flicker to a dying Giselle who sat, hunched over and laughing harder than I expected her to. She composed herself quickly, whipping the tears from her eyes, with a sigh.

''That's it'' I squealed at the turn of event. Frankie held me in his arm, bridal style. He stared down at me, giving me one of his sicken smile meaning something bad is gearing through his mind.

''Austin'' I yelled in fear. Knowing my brother, nothing good will come to me and to make matter worst, I had just inflated his ego in-front of his girl.

Austin came rushing into the kitchen, he froze in his spot in the entrance. His eyes captive on a red face Frankie that held me in his arm ready to dip me, his eyes then trailed to Giselle who still was trying to recover herself. He let out a snicker, shaking his head at the weird Gomez sibling.

''I'll take her from you'' Austin took me out of Frankie arm, he held me to his chest. I wrapped my arm around his neck, hiding my face in his black shirt .

''Austin, Frankie is being mean to me'' I pouted up at him, he smiled down at me, pecking my forehead.

''What did she do now'' he asked Frankie who sent a scowl and a glare at me, I poked out my tongue at him.

''Frankie boo boo'' he disgustingly let out, his face twisted into one of distaste. Frankie boo boo was dead, when Frankie turned seven. Growing up, he had became my real life baby doll, "Frankie boo boo" was the name I gave him. Once upon a time, It used to be out of affection, but now it was more to pester him.

Austin let out a short lived laugh, I smirked at Frankie who starred at Austin in betrayal, he mouth hung open .

''Sorry bro, but that is funny'' Austin set me down on a stool, he stood behind me his hand placed on my shoulder. Giselle got up from her seat, walking towards me for an actually greeting hug.

''Frankie, you didn't tell me your sister was the real MVP'' and that my friend is how Giselle right there won my heart.

''Because she isn't'' Frankie grumble, I rolled my eyes sticking my tongue out at him mockingly. He was just being a sour baby, because his girlfriend likes me more- I was that irresistible.

''You're lucky, I don't want to hurt my little niece or nephew'' Frankie grumbled once more, Giselle stared at me and then down at my barely shown baby bump. I smiled at her and she returned the action.

''Frankie stop being jealous of your sister'' Giselle side me. I look at Frankie in the eyes, he rose his hand and drop it down once again in despair.

''I love you Frankie boo boo'' I smiled at him, his face turned red once more, he sent me a glare.

''Okay okay B, he had enough. About we go out for pizza'' Austin offer, Frankie got up taking Giselle hand and dragging her out of the kitchen-cry baby.

Me and Austin followed them close behind. I stared down at my attire, ripped jeans short with an adidas hoodie and high top. Stepping into the sunny fresh breeze of LA, I headed toward Austin car that parked in front of my driveway. Getting in, the drive to Lorenzo pizza palace was short, we all went out of the car and was greeted with a couple fans. Me and Austin pose with me, and left them with each a hug. My belly wasn't much into the showing stage and my hoodie was three size mine which made it hard for anyone to know what was underneath.

Stepping inside the small pizzeria, the aroma of fresh baked bread with sauce met my nostril, I licked my lips at the thought of food.

Austin found us a booth, we all piled in. He sat beside me, his arm raising and resting over my shoulder. With a quick smile, I paid attention to my menu trailing my gaze through my selections.

"Good Afternoon and welcome to Lorenzo pizza palace " Came from a waitress named Ellie, she was a petite brunette who had a big smile as her signature trait. She took up all of our order and drinks.

The tone of conversation were frequent, the change of topics to nothing in general varied until our large order of pizza came. I licked my lips, my stomach grumbling at the sight of food. Taking out a piece first, followed by everyone else. I took out a huge bite, almost chocking myself. Austin took the piece of pizza from my hand, putting it down on my plate as he passes me my drink and whipped my face. I smiled at him, grateful for his actions, but that was soon live when the pest of the table talked, Frankie.

"Aww B, daddy will take good care of you" He mused out, chuckling out loud. I stare at him, rolling my eyes at his fail attempt of being funny- Yep, he was that bad

"You're getting yourself all dirty Frankie boo boo" Giselle remarked, whipping the sauce off his face. He went bright red in the face, she winked at me. Me and Austin shared a glance, bursting out laughing afterward.

Frankie Boo Boo, ahhh never gets old.


This is written at two in the morning, so a lot of mistake.

What do you think of the chapter.

Do you like Frankie boo boo?

How about Giselle, she's actually his real life GF.

Keep reading.



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