Chapter 20: Late

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Oh baby chapter 20: Conf-...Sh¡t

This chapter is a filler, first step to the actual storyline. This chapter is short, terrible but it is the start of many pain and tears.

So many spelling mistake, sorry.


3 weeks later.


It wasn't my sibling nor the vexatious beeping of my alarm clock, that ascend me from my sleep, early in the dawn. The aching and the sicken feeling consumed me as I threw the cover from my body, rushing to the bathroom where I hurled my gut into the toilet, until I felt empty. The feeling was horrifying, the urging to let substance out of my system was even worst.

I flush the toilet, getting up on my shaky leg. I trail to the sink, slowly. Reaching the counter, I held it tightly, supporting my weight. I stare at my reflection, my hair a mess, my face red with tiredness etching all over it with my slaggy eyes. Quickly I brush my teeth, removing the disturbing aftertaste of puke.

What was that all about? I question myself.

'Must have been the Chinese takeout from yesterday' I reason to myself. With clear view of the reason to my so early wake up call, I head back to my room. Laying myself down, covering myself with the blanket, warmth seeped through my shivering body and quicker than expected I fell back asleep.


Frankie walked into my room, a tray in hand.

He stepped toward my bed, I lift myself into a sitting position, my back against the headboard of my bed. He sat at the end of the bed passing me the tray with keen eye.

''How are you feeling'' he asked, I smile weakly at him. Waking up this morning had proven to be harder than I expected, after I emptied my gut out in the toilet early in the morning, the nap I took afterward did nothing to help calm down the sickness that consumed me once waking up again . My mom had mention that Frankie would stay home with me, her and dad had to visit family today.

I stare down at the tray. The egg seeming not appetizing for my taste buds. Taking the fork from the tray, I started taking small bite from the fruits, afraid they would come back up afterward.

''How do you think you caught whatever you have'' question Frankie, confusion written on his face.

''Food poisoning'' I say more as a question than a valid answer.

He dropped the topic, taking the TV remote from my nightstand. He opened the TV turning it to the sport channel where a game between the Heat and the Spurs where playing. I stare at the player move from point A to point B aiming to score a basket.

My train of thinking trailled off, lost in though. I stare at the TV screen blankly, the blur of running player the only sight of my vision.

Why was I suddenly feeling sick? Could I actually have been food poisoning? -Or...... I shook my head, dispersing the new form idea.

The silent of my though was broken off once the loud conversation from the always pad commercial trailed on. My attention aimed on the screen and I found myself freezing, I paled as well. My eyes trail toward the Calender against my wall, the blue sticker untouched by the red ink of my marker.

Sh¡t, I was late.

It wasn't just a coincidence, I was three week late. A day was okay, a week was understandable, but three week was way off to be consider such thing. It's been three weeks since me and Austin had done the deed and now three weeks since I was suppose to receive mother nature b¡tchy gift.

Could I be? That though nearly killed me as I sat on my bed. I felt myself shiver, I wanted to curl in my bed sobbing, but I want, No need to make sure that what my though was trailing too was corrected.

''Frankie, can you get me some water'' I controlled my voice, he didn't seem to notice the lost of life in my tone. I was defeated. He got up, walking out of my room, closing the door behind him. I sat there composition myself, but I failed.

A tear slip, trailing a journey down my face until it landed on my lap. More followed until I was sobbing. I stopped myself, taking my phone. I dial Sarah number hoping she wouldn't pick up, seeing I was not ready for the nightmare to be real.

''Hello'' came on the third ring.

''Sarah'' my voice was weak, deprive of life.

''Becky, what's wrong'' she asked confusingly, concern seeking through her phrase.

''Where are you'' I asked her, my voice quiver.

How could we have been so careless? We forgot to use protection and I was off my pill.

''At the pharmacy, why'' she question generously confused.

''Uhm'' I gulp down. Sarah was the first and only person I could ask for something like this. She was a best friend to me, and right now I needed one.

''Can you get me a pregnancy test''


I don't like this chapter, but it will have to do.

Everything will be fix later.




Sorry for the clip hanger.

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