Chapter 16: Miami

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Oh Baby: New story title.

This story use to be called I'LL BE HOME, but now this is the new tittle.

I'm in goal mode, I'm finishing this story this year.

Can't wait for the next update, it's a filler chapter the next one.



''Flight 489 to miami will be boarding now''

Came from the intercom. My eyes lifted from the screen of my phone, it wander around the busy airport that filled with passengers who had recently arrived from another continent or people who where ready to board the plane. I got to my feet, my backpack going over my shoulders and my two luggage being dragged beside myself.

Two months had gone by since I confirmed mine and Austin relationship. Me and Austin haven't seen each other since a month now. We where both busy and had no time to let ourselves loose and enjoy time together as a couple. Our fans where the greatest, supportive through everything for us and for that we stand grateful for it.

With my ticket in hand, my luggage's being stroll on each side of me, I find myself smiling because on the other side of this trip, with a smile plaster on his lips awaiting for me is my wonderful boyfriend.


Boarding the plane in the early morning meant not much teens where boarding the plane with me, so I got to sign some fans paper and snapping quick pictures, but nothing else. Placing my bag on the overboard-with the assistance of someone, I took my window seat.Looking around myself, people where already slipping into a deep slumber, my eyes where almost giving in to the temptation.

My eyes drifted forth from my keen overview of everything happening in the plane, it went to my phone that went off. I gaze down at it, a smile took posture on my lips reading Austin message.

From: My Dorito boy

'You probably look so beautiful right now, in sweat-joggings and no makeup, I can't wait to see you and call you beautiful'

I blushed. My eyes drifted around the almost empty flight and it quickly went back to the screen of my phone.

To: My Dorito boy

'Give me 5 Hrs 37 and I will be there'

My eyes drifted shut, sleep finding content in wrapping me in it's warmth and slowly I found myself slipping into a content slumber.


''Welcome to Miami'' I awoke to the intercom saying. My shield shut eyes took more time to open itself and my vision came blurry to me. Looking around the plane, people where slowly waking up as well. Getting up from my seat, I took my bag with the help once again of a plane assistance and with that I got off the plane and into the tunnel that led us passengers to the airport.

With slow movement, still not fully conscious, I found myself heading toward the bag department where it took me a couple minutes to pick the familiar yellow suitcase. Heading down to the first floor, I boarded the elevator and slowly it went down.

Stepping out of the elevator, I look around in search of Austin.

''Becky'' came from my left, in the entrance of the close elevator, I dropped my bag, turning around, staring at Austin and gosh does he look so appealing. I didn't know what was worst, the fact that its been so long since I had seen and touched him or the that I missed him so much, that it brought an agonizing ache in my heart. My movement was quick, my short run toward him and the leaping into his open arm, he caught me just like I had imagined this scene in my mind.

His arm lace behind me, he held me up with my leg wrapping around his waist and finally I felt right where I needed to be, at home. Austin held me close, as if I where to tell him that I was going on tour or I had another show to do and I won't have enough time for him. He held me close, as I held him closer. My legs around his waist, tighten with him running circular circle on my tight.

''I miss miss miss you so so so much'' I whisper in the crook of his neck. He sigh in continent, pulling back our eyes held each other, I leant down for a kiss. He kissed me hard and fast with passion filling the blissful action. Our mind blanked itself, forgetting our crowded surrounding that had lots of fans and people to take picture of what's going down between us.

Pulling back after a breathless kiss, Austin eyes glazed with wanting and mine as well. He smiled at me and gosh it blew me away. I love this moment, so much because I didn't have to dream so much about being in his arm because he was there holding me tighter than in my dream and kissing me more passionately than in my dream and the most important he was the real thing.

''Let's go home'' Austin held my gaze, mine held his back. I peck his lips, he had me back on my feet, he took hold of one of my luggage I had and I took the other with my backpack slung over my shoulders, he took my hand in his unoccupied hand, lacing our finger together and we headed to the exit of the airport.

''I can't' wait to get you home, I have a surprise for you'' I stare at him, he held my gaze, but said nothing else as if knowing my curiosity was eating me alive, he smirked.

''You'll just have to wait, and see'' he smirked wider.


Hope this chapter is enought because the next one is a filler one and I need my time to write it perfectly, its going to be posted tomorrow.




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