Chapter 5: Breathless

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Guys this is the second chapter out of the three chapter that I'm going to post for today.

I love you guys and don't forget I will love to get your feedback.



And keep reading to know what's yet to come.



Imagine. Their's this girl and a guy, they both never met, but they had connected through the internet. They met each other on kik and instantly they found a connection. They spent hours, days and night chatting to each other without knowing who the other was on the other side of the data processor. It felt like love at first KiK for them. Days have turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and afterwards it turned into years, until they finally decided it was time for them to meet each other. Then the guy took a flight to where the girl lived and as she waited for his arrival at the airport, she was panicking, thinking that it was mistake of meeting each other. Was this worth it? What if our relationship was only meant on kik? Questions like those devour her train of though, but before she could finally go anywhere with her thinking, she was cut short by the guy yelling her name. And she twisted around to look at him, locking eyes with each other and with that she rush into his arm.They were yet young, sixteen the least, but they had found each other, like long lost soul mate. Everyone thought they wouldn't last, but boy were they wrong because they later in life  got married and produced a family.

So the whole point of the story, wasn't that it was love at first sight-maybe it was, or it was that maybe we find Mr. And Mrs. Right at the weirdest way. But no. It was their eyes. It wasn't that they had thus much in  commons, or that they were physically attracted to each other. But no- It was the moment their eyes lock, they where right away connected for life. Their eyes where the clear window to their heart, soul and though, they never had to lose their love, because even if their words say they stop loving each other, but their eyes told otherwise. It told them that they where madly in love with each other, swimming in a pool of desire.

* * *

Okay, back to the story at hand. Austin and I stayed laying down  in our previous stance on the ground. Me at the bottom and him untop. It didn't  seem like we were  even breathing, because of the intensity in our eyes. It was glued to each other. His hazel oh so beautiful eyes stare into each other. The haze in his eyes where turns into a somber green that made me get lost in them and I felt myself slip through a different cosmos. A scenario of beauty where me and Austin, where the only population. His eyes reflected so much emotion, that it was arduous to put my finger on every single one of them.

Oh Baby... (Becstin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ