Chapter 44: Barbeque

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Guys sorry for such a long wait. Not only did I recently come back from vacation, but I had the biggest writter block that wouldn't believe it.

I'm hoping you'll all like this chapter and it makes up for the long wait.

Okay guys, first five people to comment here will help me chose the baby name through the selected ten that made the final.

Okay enough of me talking here's the chapter.


Chapter 44: Barbeque

[Weeks before baby comes]


''W i l l y o u Marry me''


The movie quickly ended to that. My eyes drooping as I could hardly remember what the movie was about, neither the tittle as well.

''Becky, baby'' came from beside.

My pillow talks! Uh, that doesn't sound right?

Still with hazy sight, I eyed Austin who's body I sprawl all over. His eyes stare down in mine lovingly, a smile resting on his lips.

''Your mother wouldn't be please if we miss the barbeque'' my eyes came widely opened as it drawn on me at the activity my mother had planned for the day. The family barbeque, where everyone and I mean the whole Gomez and Mahone family were all coming together.

'2:20' read the time as I was quick to get to my feet, forgetting the most important thing- I had a bloating stomach which was the cause I stumble almost losing my footing if it hadn't been for Austin.

''Where's mom'' I ask Austin as he got to his feet.

''She left early, she needed to get the cake'' I nod at that. Going up the stairs of my house, Austin in tow.

''I'm going to take a shower'' I headed for the connected bathroom. Austin's next comment was what held me by the open door.

''How about I take it with you, Preserving water right.'' I rolled my eyes, staring at him in the eyes and the smug look on his face.

''We wouldn't be preserving water, more like wasting it if that's one of your concern'' and quickly afterward I close/lock the door.

Stepping out of the bathroom after my much needed shower, a towel wrap around me. Heading to my closet, searching through it as half of my wardrobe was tick off the list of attire I could wear. I was so big seeing as I could be already pushing this baby in a couple weeks, even days. Not only was I reassembling as if I had pig down a planet, but my breast became overly sensitive- if you couldn't tell, I was ready to push this baby out of me.

Pulling on a Royal Blue Sleeveless Bodycon Maxi Dress that was fitted, but not too tight around my large stomach.

''I look ugly'' I stare at my relfection feeling displease with the way the dress fitted me. Stepping away from it, I sat down at the edge of my bed staring down at the ground.

Coming in view was Austin's red Jordan's. Lifting my eyes to his, he smile down at me. Tugging on my hand, he lift me up to my feet and brought me back to the mirror which I avoided looking at.

''I see nothing but the most beautiful- sexyest girl that is not only my gorgeous girlfriend, but the mother to my unborn baby'' my eyes well up with tears. I glance at him through the mirror seeing the sincerity in them.

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