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Omg Chris!
Are you okay?
You haven't texted me in days and
I was so worried 😔

I'm fine
Sry for not replying but I've needed
some time for myself

That's totally understandable
I just hope you're feeling better again


Are you really okay tho?
You seem a bit weird...

Can I call you?

Yes ofc 🥺

•——————  ➷ ➷  ——————•

Channie💕 is calling!

Accept / Decline



A smile formed on Emilia's face as soon as she heard his voice and sighed to herself before greeting him back.

"So... What is there you wanted to talk about? It's seemed to be serious."

"It kinda is."

The two of them didn't say anything after while the female just waited for him to continue talking and she heard how he took a deep breath, a weird feeling settling in the pit of her stomach as something didn't seem to be right.

"I've been thinking a lot the past days..."

"Okay... And?"

"And I think that things between us don't work out any longer."

Silence. Complete utter silence.
Emilia blinked multiple times, trying to recall what he just said and asked him to repeat it, making sure she heard him wrong. But as the older male took a deep breath again, she knew that he was being serious.

"I think we should break up."

"Why? Chris, what's going on?"

Tears formed in her eyes while her free hand stared to shake violently, her breathing getting shorter as well.

"Please just tell me you're kidding... Have I done anything wrong? I-Is it because of what happened in the group chat? Chris, I'm sorry if-"

"No, no. It's not that..."

"Then why?"

"I feel like there's no future for us. We're living so far away from each and you could do so much better. You deserve someone who's right by your side. Someone who can be there in an instant to cheer up the best way possible when you're feeling down, y'know. I can't do that. There are so many factors that speak against us dating and I've tried to ignore them for so long. I'm an idol, Emilia. I should be concentrating on my career..."

Letting her tears run down freely, she wanted to say something to him so badly but no words were coming out of her mouth. Letting out a first sob, she couldn't believe he really did this to her and she hoped it was all just a joke.

"It's a prank, right? Since it's April first?"

"I'm being serious. I've enjoyed our time together and you've found a special place in my heart, Emilia. But I just can't keep doing this."

"But we were doing so well..."

Chan sighed on the other end of the line and bit his lower lip, pained by the amount of hurt in her voice. He hated doing this to her - to the both of them - but he had to do it.

"I know and you're an amazing girl. I'm sure out there is someone else who'll cherish you the same way I did. You've been my first real girlfriend, but it's time to let you go."

"I don't want you to let m-me go. Chris... I-I love you. Please don't do this to us."

"I'm sorry. Just please don't contact me again. Okay? I really do feel sorry, but it's the best for both of us."

Sobbing louder by now, she aggressively wiped her tears and shook her head several times although she knew he couldn't see her.

"No! Don't you dare to just end things like this, saying it's for the better! Because it clearly is not! I just-"

And that's when the line cut off. He had ended the call, leaving her more broken than she's ever been before.

Bruh I've started crying while writing this
n e ways
Here's a gif to cheer you up just please don't hate me for this chapter
Great love u mwah

———•A/N:Bruh I've started crying while writing thisn e ways Here's a gif to cheer you up just please don't hate me for this chapter Great love u mwah

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