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3rd person's P.O.V

"We have three more hours till New Year. Does anyone have any idea what to do?"
The group of nine was sitting scattered around the large living room and looked at each other.
"We could play some video games?"

Majority of the group groaned upon hearing Felix's words and instantly shook their heads, causing the young male to pout.
"Well, if anyone of you has a better idea let us know."

Suddenly, Minho got up from the floor and left the room with a smirk, everyone looking at him in confusion. Soon after, he got back holding a few green bottles in his hands and everyone's eyes widened.

"Is this Soju?"
Emilia received a nod from Chan as answer and gulped as she looked at all the bottles being placed on the table in front of her.

"And what are we supposed to do with all of this, Minho hyung?"
The called male smirked upon Changbin's words and clapped his hands once.
"Great of you to ask. Since it's New Year's Eve, how about we all have some fun?"

"We're not getting drunk, Minho."
The oldest gave him a stern look and adverted his eyes to the female, who was sitting next to him, as well as to the youngest member of their group.

"I'm not talking about getting drunk, hyung. Just us playing some random games and drinking a few shots. Not too much, okay? Don't be such a boomer."
Emilia and the maknae line covered their mouths at hearing Minho's words and tried to contain their laughter.

The female immediately cleared her throat as she noticed Chan looking at her and smiled apologetically, taking his hand in hers and squeezing it slightly. Letting out a sigh, the male shook his head and looked back to Minho.

"Just one small game, okay? I don't want things to get outta hand."
Everyone agreed with his words and excitedly scooted closer to the table, sitting around it in a circle.
"So... Any game in mind?"

-time skip-

It's been more than two hours since he group of nine started playing various games and let's say the mood raised immensely. Jisung and Felix were yelling at each other on top of their lungs, conversing about some random video they saw on the internet. Minho and Hyunjin were almost passed out laying next to each other and Changbin was singing random songs to Jeongin in his cutesy voice.

It seemed like Seungmin was the only one who was still sober while scrolling through something on his phone. Emilia and Chan were all cuddled up on the couch while giggling at the dumbest stuff.

"I don't know if those two over there are gonna stay awake till midnight."
The female chuckled at his slurred words and nodded, agreeing with what he said.
"I don't know if I will either. Damn, I never get drunk. What is this?"

"One of Minho's glorious ideas. Obviously..."
The said male waved at the couple and dropped his hand back down, rolling to the side and throwing an arm around Hyunjin's stomach.

"I thought you didn't want things to escalate like this? And now look at them..."
The male sighed and threw one arm around her shoulders, pulling her body even closer to his own.
"That's right, but everyone had so much fun and I guess we kinda all got lost in the moment."

Emilia hummed and turned her head to look up at him, their eyes meeting. Giving her a soft smile before leaning down to press his plump lips onto hers. Sighing at the feeling of it, the female moved her whole body towards him and straddled his lap.

Kiss deepening, Chan's hands rested on each side of her waist while her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling herself closer against his chest. Tilting his head a bit more to kiss her more passionately, the two got lost in the moment and to them it seemed like they were the only one's in the room.

At least until someone threw a pillow at them and caused the couple to pull away from each other. They glared at a laughing Felix, who instantly shut up as soon as he noticed the way they looked at him.

"Sorry, hyung, but don't you two wanna wait till midnight for that? We have like - 8 minutes left, damn what?"
Upon those words, almost everyone looked at the young male with wide eyes and sat up properly.

"So~ Who is ready for 2020 to start?"
Everyone cheered at Changbin's words and even Minho, as well as Hyunjin, were suddenly standing up from their spots on the couch.

The leader laughed at the sight in front of him and stood up as well, grabbing Emilia's hand to pull her along, approaching the rest of the guys. They were excitedly starting a countdown and opened a few other drinks.

"Two minutes!"
The female leaned her back against her boyfriend's chest and felt how both his arms wrapped around her from behind, his chin resting on her left shoulder.

The couple watched the happy group of guys with sparkling eyes and large smiles.
"Okay, 60 seconds left!"
Cheers were already heard as the level of excitement raised with each passing second and Chan was quick to turn his girlfriend around in the last 10 seconds.

And with that their lips connected in a sweet kiss.

"Happy New Year, baby."
The couple smiled at each other lovingly and Emilia leaned up to give him a quick peck.
"Happy New Year to you too, handsome."

-short time skip-

Most of the guys decided to head to bed while Felix and Jeongin stayed up, wanting to play some video games which Felix was really happy about, while Emilia and Chan took their places on the black couch again.

"I'm really happy to start the new year with you by my side. Even if we have a bit less than a week left to spend with each other, I want to make the best out of it."
The female giggled at his words, but nodded anyway.

"Is the alcohol making you feel all sentimental now? But I do appreciate your words and feel the same way. I'm happy to be here by your side too."
The male smiled at her words and gave her a small kiss, receiving a soft smile in return.

Just looking at each other for a while, they enjoyed the moments of silence until Jeongin suddenly let out a loud yell of victory, scaring the couple. They immediately whipped their heads around to look at the younger and saw a pouting Felix next to him.

Quiet laughter filled the room and the youngest began to tease Felix, causing Chan and his girlfriend to chuckle even more at the two boys. Eventually getting up from his seat, the male extended his hand and smiled down at her.

"I think it's time for us now too to go to bed and sleep."


A/N:Happy New Year everyone!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Happy New Year everyone!

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