Special Chapter #2

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3rd person's P.O.V

"Oh my god, how hard can it be to create an username?!"
Emilia raised her eyebrows at her boyfriend's sudden outburst and turned around to look at him, closing the book she was reading and giving him her full attention.
"What's the matter? What do you need an username for?"

Chan gave her a mischievous smile and showed her his phone. The younger girl immediately sprang up from her seat on the couch and took the phone into her own hands.
"INSTAGRAM?? Chris, what does this mean??"
He shrugged his shoulders and got his phone back, leaving her standing with her hands and arms still outstretched.

"The company allowed us to, if we want to, create our own and individual accounts. But since I, for obvious reasons, cannot use the private one I already have, I gotta come up with a new username..."
Emilia raised her eyebrows and relaxed her posture at that, taking a seat on the couch again and motioning for her boyfriend to take the place right next to her.

"Do you at least know in which direction the username is supposed to go?"
The older laughed at that and gave her a side eye, glancing back down to the phone screen and his thumbs, which were still hovering above the keyboard.
"I, of course, tried everything that is somehow related to my name and stage names too. When I tell you that I've tried everything I  could think of, I mean it."

"Yeah... Fans tend to create their own accounts with usernames that are references to their interests. There are tons of fan pages and stuff about you. I'm not surprised that you're struggling."
Chan exhaled loudly again and locked his phone, throwing his back against the couch. His girlfriend turned her body around 90 degrees and threw her legs over his knees, staring at him.

"So... Let's brainstorm together. Two minds are better than one."
He smiled at that and agreed, unlocking his phone and giving it to Emilia to let her try instead.
"Do you know what the others have chosen? I bet we can get some inspiration from them."

"Nothing too special as far as I know. Minho and Jisung don't wanna have individual accounts yet, they'll stick to posting on the group one. Felix is using a mix of his English and Korean name. I've thought about that too, but my name isn't really made for that. Hyunjin is simply using a version of his name and I don't know what Seungmin and Jeongin have come up with yet. I think Binnie is the only one that has a funny username."

Emilia looked at him expectantly and wanted him to tell her, nudging him with her elbow. He tried to hold in his laughter and closed his eyes for a second.

At this, the couple immediately bursted out laughing and threw their heads back. The young girl desperately tried to catch her breath and had to hold onto Chan for support, as to not fall off the couch.
"Oh my god, that's actually crazy. I can't believe he'd actually do that... Is it for real?"

The older wiped a tear from his eye and just nodded, not being able to form proper words again just yet.
"I swear, I asked him the same the moment he told me. But it's actually cool. One of a kind, definitely."
His girlfriend agreed to that and straightened her posture, taking deep breaths to get a hold  of herself again.

- 20 minutes later -

"This can't actually be that hard... But it's almost like my head's empty. No more thoughts left."
Chan groaned and ruffled his dark hair before putting the black cap, he was wearing previously, back on his head, hiding his messy curls. Emilia on the other hand was poking out her tongue as she typed something on his phone all concentrated, catching his attention.

"What are you typ-"
He didn't get to finish his question since he got interrupted by a sudden jump of her, a large smile forming on her face as she turned his phone around so that he could at the screen.

She nodded excitingly at that, but only received a confused look from her boyfriend in return, making her sigh and explain it to him.
"It's your name, Bang Chan, but each spelled backwards!"
His brown eyes widened in realization and he let out a loud "Ah!".
"This is actually so smart, baby. How did you come up with that?"

"I was just playing around with different options and ideas. But this is certainly something none of your fans have done until now. If you wanna use it, it's still available."
He took his phone back and kissed her left cheek in appreciation, thanking her for coming up with something this creative.

"It's certainly something, that's for sure. It looks weird at first, but once you realize what it means, it's actually really cool. I'm excited to see our fans reaction to that."
The couple laughed at that and Emilia moved around the studio to stand next to him, leaning against his arm and looking above his shoulder to get a look at the phone screen.

A soft smile graced her lips the moment she saw him entering the username in its respective field and choosing a password too.
"Aaaaaand... done!"
She clapped in excitement at his, finally, set up account and properly hugged him.

At that point, both of them where happy to finally have come up with something and high-fived each other after pulling away from the hug. Instead of letting her go completely though, Chan held her hand with his and pulled her forward again, making their chests collide. Emilia smiled at his action and closed her eyes the moment he lowered his head to catch her lips in a soft kiss, responding to him almost immediately.

The couple broke the kiss soon after again and smiled at each other, Emilia letting her upper body fall against his chest and closing her eyes. She brought her arms around his waist and felt him hugging her back, completely enjoying this moment of serenity until he interrupted the quiet with a new question.

"But now...

Which pictures should I choose for my first post?"


(I obv wanted to use a gif like always with real-life chapters, but they're moving so slowly all of a sudden?? Is it the same for you guys when viewing this chapter? Because the others still work normally

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(I obv wanted to use a gif like always with real-life chapters, but they're moving so slowly all of a sudden?? Is it the same for you guys when viewing this chapter? Because the others still work normally... lmk pls 😭)

Hello everyone ~
Sorry for updating so much later than I've intended :( This chapter has been sitting in my drafts for so long (it's been a while since SKZ made their accounts), but I moved into my own apartment a few weeks ago and sadly didn't have time to write anything because I was so busy... But I finished this yesterday and am so happy to finally publish this!
I hope you're all doing well!
Thanks for reading <3

word count: 1177
published: November 4th, 2023
edited: /

Online // Bang Chan [editing]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang