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3rd person's P.O.V

"I've never agreed to watch this movie. Y'all know how much I hate horror movies."
Everyone chuckled at the young male's whining and shook their heads at him.
"C'mon, Felix. Don't be such a baby and take a seat."
Said male pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest, nevertheless taking a seat next to Minho on the black couch.

"I'm calling dibs on sitting next to Emilia!"
Everyone turned their heads to look at their maknae and watched as he rushed passed Chan, not giving the older the chance to sit next to his girlfriend. Emilia smiled sheepishly at the older and he sighed as he couldn't sit next to her.

After that, he walked over to the rest of the group and put the drinks he was holding on the table in front of them. Instead of sitting next to Emilia, he flashed her a short smile and sat down on the floor in front of her, leaning his back against her legs.
"Chris, what are you doing?"

"I still wanna sit close to you and the couch doesn't fit all ten of us anyways. Let Jeongin just have his ways and watch the movie like this."
Giving him back a small smile, she nodded and leaned back on the couch, chuckling softly as she noticed Jeongin clinging onto her arm.

"Okay so, let's start the movie."
Everyone agreed with Changbin's words and stopped their conversations as the male finally pressed play, the only sound in the room coming from the TV.

-time skip-

"Felix, please. The movie wasn't even that scary."
The younger male glared at Chan and hugged Hyunjin, who sat right next to him in the other side, even tighter, trying to control his breathing.
"I've almost peed my pants, hyung."

Emilia snickered at Hyunjin's words and took another handful of popcorn.
"I mean, I've seen worse. I liked the movie tho."
A couple of the guys agreed with what she's said and talked about random stuff after again, joking around like they always do.

"Liz fell asleep tho."
Emilia looked over to where Seungmin sat and internally cooed at the sight of her best friend cuddled into her boyfriend's chest.
"I can let her sleep in my bed, if that's okay?"

"Yes, of course."
Smiling at the female, Seungmin was quick to swoop Liz up bridal style and walk with her to his room after saying 'good night' to the whole group. A few of the others decided to call it night too and disappeared into their rooms as well, Jeongin being one of them.

Emilia stretched her arms as soon as the younger left and moved her gaze down to check up on Chan, frowning as she didn't see him sitting there anymore. Getting up from the couch, she saw the older roaming around the kitchen and smiled to herself while approaching him. Wrapping her arms around his waist from behind, she smiled as she leaned her cheek on his back and felt how he relaxed in her arms.

"Did Jeongin go to bed already too?"
Nodding as answer, she let go of him as soon as she noticed him turning around and he had now his arms wrapped around her instead.
"Y'know, I really adore him, but tonight I just wanted to cuddle with you."

Chuckling at his words and cute pout, she poked his cheek with one finger and wrapped her arms around his neck after, making eye contact with him.
"We have a lot of time now tho. Liz fell asleep already, so she's staying with Seungmin. What about me staying with you as well? I'm too lazy to go up to my dorm now anyway."

"Yeah, I'd like that."
Smiling at that, she leaned up and pressed her lips on his plump ones. It didn't take Chan long until he kissed her back and his hold around her waist tightened. Tilting his head a bit to the right to deepen the kiss, Emilia moaned as she felt his tongue tracing her bottom lip and opened her mouth slightly.

"Oh guys, c'mon. Seriously? We're cooking in here..."
Breaking apart immediately, the couple looked at a bewildered Changbin and chuckled awkwardly. The male just shook his head at the two of them and grabbed a bottle of water.
"If y'all are gonna sleep in a bed together, please keep it down a bit. I wanna rest in peace."

Blushing furiously at his words, the female hid her face in Chan's face and waited until Changbin left the kitchen again.
"It's pretty late by now. Should we go to bed too?"
Nodding at his question, she smiled briefly at him and he quickly gave her a kiss on the forehead.

After that, he took her hand into his slightly bigger one and she chuckled as he started to drag her out of the kitchen. Stopping in the living room again, the couple looked at Felix and Jisung sitting in front of the TV, controllers in each their hands.
"Aren't the two of you going to bed?"

Chuckling nervously at the older's words, Felix shook his head and shortly glanced away from the screen.
"I don't think I can sleep just yet and Jisung isn't tired either, so we're just gonna kill some time."
Raising his eyebrows at the younger's words, Chan sighed and nodded at the two of them.

"Just don't stay up all night and get at least a bit of rest."
Emilia chuckled along with the two other males and Jisung glanced at Chan from the corner of his eyes.
"Those are some mighty words coming from you, hyung."

The female felt his grip on her hand tightening and she chuckled once more before pulling him into the direction of his shared bedroom, wishing the other two males a good night. Opening the door carefully, she tried her best to not wake up Changbin incase he was sleeping already and walked over to the bed in the left corner while still pulling Chan along by his hand.

Eventually laying down together, Chan pulled the female closer by his waist and wrapped his arms around her right after, pressing a soft kiss on top of her head.
"I love you, Chris."
The male hummed and drew small circles on one of his arms with his thumb.

"And I love you too, baby."


A/N:Y'all I can't believe that this that this book still is #1 under the chan #It's been like three weeks now and I can't thank you more it's just so crazy 🥺💕

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Y'all I can't believe that this that this book still is #1 under the chan #
It's been like three weeks now and I can't thank you more it's just so crazy 🥺💕

A/N:Y'all I can't believe that this that this book still is #1 under the chan #It's been like three weeks now and I can't thank you more it's just so crazy 🥺💕

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.
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