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Trevor's POV

After I left the hospital area I packed my things and left. There was no point in notifying anyone or even rejection. It might have a bad effect on Angel's baby, so I rather leave and move on. After passing the guards and the boarders it hurt worse than anything I have experienced before emotionally and physically. I knew it would hurt if I silently reject our mate bond, but dang did I underestimated the pain. I pushed forward not even knowing where I was heading to, but isn't that what is the beauty of life, the journey. All that time I waited for my mate and waited for my chance, but now it is nothing except pain. Do I wish it was different, of course I do. Do I want to run back and kiss her like everything depending on it, of course I do. The truth is no matter how much I want my mate and for our bond to grow, it will never happen since she has other mates and she rather have them before me. I will not be a prize object and only be seen when it convenient for her. I know my mother will be please to know that now she gets her way. Just the thought of marrying Jenni make me shiver in disgust, but I am the only heir to the lycan throne and my parents can not be rulers forever. Jenni is my mom's best friend's youngest daughter and we praticly grew up together. She would always be at the castle bugging me to play with her and our mothers have planned our marriage and courtship way before we were born. Do I want to say f it all and never go back to the castle, of course now more than ever.

Not long after I found a pond and took a needed break.  I sat down and regretted it immediately. Once I relaxed a bit the pain of my and Angel's mate bond increased. Legend has it that if you found your mate and chose to leave them for any reason the Moon Goddess would be angry and would punish you until the end of time if you are lucky. The legend also said that only your true mate can make you feel pain that can never be justify by explaining how much painful it is to be away from them. I know the pain is a sign that what ever you are doing is wrong and should be corrected, but how am I supposed to correct that Angel has six other mates and rather be with them than me? Unlike my mom my dad supported me on finding my mate rather than finding out if I do or don't have a mate and be stuck with someone who might not me right for me. So I got up with new termination and walked back only to come face to face with an old enemy...

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