chapter 39

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Its been a month since the fight with Sam and yet it feels like a decade. He wont talk to me and has been avoiding me. The times i do sneek up getting a glimpse i see him staring at Sarah and Mike. Sarah has been attached to Mike since the war where he got badly injured, but he healed very quickly to my surprise. I never knew vampires heal in less than a day with their mate's venom. Anyways i can feel the jealousy and hurt more now than a month ago. I have a baby bump too which my kids love touching and make Gerald pround and happy. As for the powers my baby has shown over time has only been once in a while now. The last time was a week ago when Gerald was taking a long shower. I understood why the long shower since the posions exploded, but when i started to feel blue and lonely our baby popped him into our room. Once Gerald saw me he picked me up and we took a bath full of love together. Since then their power has not shown. We do not know the gender yet on purpose, so my other mates can not go to crazy with one color when we go shopping once a week. My kids want their new sibling to be a girl to even out everything. Kimberly has been attached to me since the war, but when she is not i can feel her feelings. She hates not being next to me. Andrew and Jaden have been still training which makes me worry a bit, but Jake and Adonis says they have trained to become Alpha (Jake) and Alpha King (Adonis) since they were two. Jake, Adonis, and Kile still showers me with love they even bought the baby in me a set of clothes and a set of baby items, so now their is 5 sets of clothes (one set from each of my mates), 5 pasifers all different colors, 5 blankets, 5 bottles, 5 pairs of baby shoes and socks, etc. that i literally had to start organizing them in them in the room. So now the extra closet has totes full of baby items. As for the items i had for Kimberly, Andrew, and Jaden they are still going to be passed down just within the father side. By that i mean, when i get pregnant again from wach of my mates then the items will be reused. Jake has stored Jaden's baby stuff in his mom's house while Adonis has stored Andrew's baby items in his old office where we think he was created. Yup you heard me we made sweet love in his office just not on his desk. We actually only did it on the couch. It shows how much we could not be separated too long in the beginning. And since Kimberly is still a baby, a very smart baby, she still uses her baby stuff.

"Love are you ready to go shopoing?" Gerald asks.

I so want to say 'does it look like i am ready', but i bite my tongue and nod. He grabs my hand and we are on our way to Baby R Us, but this one is not like the human ones. Once in the car i still can not stop thinking what was taking him so long to get ready. I was done in 30 minutes and it took him 2 hours to be ready. Anyways Sarah is in the back seat between Mike and Sam while  i am between Gerald and Drake. Jake and Adonis is in the SUV in front of us along with Adonis's and Jake's third in command.  While Kile is sitting in the passenger seat with his Beta Jorden driving in the black SUV in front of that one with my kids. In front of Kile's car is the guards SUV while the one behind our car is just for the bags. I know there are guard already at the store waiting for us and for their command to 'not be seen, but also not to let danger anywhere near me or my kids'. But all my mates know i am a shopaholic when it comes to my kids and when i am pregnant hence why we go shopping once a week. And I already know we are shopping at the baby store and then getting food then going grocery shopping. Since the last person who did it forgot my oreo cookies and got the wrong Cherry ice cream!

An hour later

Finally freedom! I run away from the car needing the restroom only to be chased by five guards and Gerald along with Drake while my other mates shake their head and wispers they knew this was going to happen. When i finally got to the restroom Sarah walks in first and lets me in. She is the only one who is allowed to be in the restroom with me for protection reasons. When i am done and wash my hands the question before itches so bad i blurt it out before i know it.

"What is between you and Sam?"

She knows Sam is my mate.

"It is not for me to say just know their is nothing between us now besides friendship." Sarah says.

So there is something that made him push me away.

We walked back out to see everyone their waiting for us. Once Gerald's eyes locked into mine it only took a half of a second for him to be in front of me handing m y hand like his life and our bond depends on it.

Two hours later

"I am hungry."

"I know love i sent a guard to get you your smoothe." Gerald says.

"But i want it now."

"Sweety i can not have you leave just yet and the smoothe should be here soon." Gerald says.

I can tell he is agitated since he know the baby is hungry and since i have to sit since the baby was kicking to hard. Then out of nowhere the guard shows up in front of me with my smoothe and a pretzel. Yup my baby is impatient just like me. Gerald's eye turned from forest green to their emerald green when he saw the guard. I grab the food and everyone stares at me.


They bow and return to what they were doing before. I still remember when we first shopped at this location and the manager told me i could not have food hense why he sucks uo to my mates and me. Oh that day he learned not to piss of Kile or me. But in his deffense he did not know i was Kile's mate and at that time pregnant. He thought i was just a whore shopping hense why Kile and i was angry.

All of a sudden Kile's mark starts numbing burning and i pop to him. There he was sitting down breathing heavy. I knew he did not feed before leaving. I kneeled by him moving my sleeve up for him to drink from my wriste, but he pushes my hand away.

"No. Not when you are pregnant. I just need.." Kile says just for me to interrupt.


I can feel my wolf and vampire want control.

"Love...." Kile says.

It hurts to see him like this.

"Sarah Mike!"

Both show up and help him stand to bring him to the blood bank near by.

'he should be feeding from us only!' Both my vampire and wolf yells.

I just stand there watxhing his retreating back breaking my heart. I know he will not feed from me since i am pregnant and it is not his baby just in fear he will hurt the baby.

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