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After we reached the area I had Trevor pull over. I got out and looked into the tree seeing Jack. I did have too look closely, but I did found him. Seeing him in his wolf form made my wolf excited. I turned around and faced Trevor.

"It is okay I will meet you at the pack."

"Okay." Trevor says.

I turned back around and started to walk into the trees, but once I was at a safe distance I shifted into my wolf. From there we ran to our mate and pounced on him earning a playful growl and a wolf kiss.

'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

I stayed on top of him while we lock each other until my wolf took over. She got off of him and showed him we want to mate, but Jack was not having it right now. He only licks us making our want increase. He then pounces on us and that started our Mating until he shifts having us shift back just to mate again. After us mating in wolf form again we head back to see our pack, my kids, and my other mates waiting for us. I walked up to Trevor who is holding a set of clothes for me. After he hands me them I ran behind a tree and change. Once I walked out I see Jake only wearing dark washed jeans making it hard not to jump his bones right now. He smirks and winks at me.

'Just wait until I get you back into our room.' Jake links me.

I blush thinking about all the ways he used to pleasure me to make me cry out his name.

'Still so sexy when you blush.' Jake links me.

I turn my head away and I see a woman about twenty eyeing my mate.

'MINE!' My wolf growls.

The next thing I know is I am back in wolf form charging at her. I try to stop, but my wolf has full control and feels disrespected and threatened. Jake is the one to pull me off of her, wait when did I attack her.

"Love please..." Jake says.

I just growl snapping in her direction.

Jack takes control and rubs his nose on my wolf cheek.

"My lovely beauty please calm down." Jack says into my ear.

Both Jake and his wolf Jack knows certain ways to calm me down, but when it is both me and my wolf this is all new.

I growl again trying to get loose, but Jack was not having it. Only when a tall muscular man runs up Jacks grip loosens. This allows me to get free, but  the man looks at the woman and growls. So instead of going at the woman my wolf jumps in front of Jack growling menicifully at the man.

"You did this." He growls at me.

He shifts and we are at it until all of my mates tries to stop us. Then everything seems to freeze for a second before Drake his making the man float in the air. Jack then has us shift back when the pack nurses cover me to allow me to shift back there. Once I am fully dressed I notice the woman still eyeing Jack, but this time I jump on Jack and we made out a bit before someone clears their throat. Jack then sets me down and the man is put back down.

"Who let a....." The man says growling until I interrupted him.

"I advise to watch your next words."

"Who are you to talk to me like that?" The man says making Jack growl.

"Well to really simify it I am the mate of 7 mates."

I showed who my mates are while saying that making his eyes go wide.

"Now I think you should keep that female in check or else it would take more than my mates to save her from me."

He looks at the woman and then walks to her taking her away.

"You should not threaten one of the kingdom's alpha member." Someone says making me shift into all my beasts.

Apparently that shut them up.

"Love please calm down." Jack says now kissing his mark.

Oh the wonders he does to me when he kisses that one spot.

In an instance I am like putty in his hands and he picks me up taking me inside not once putting me down. That was until we are in his office and he has me sit on his lap while we make out. We only stop when there is a knock on the door.

"Come in." Jake says not that he has control.

Mike walks in and bows before getting down to business.

"Alpha Chris wants to discuss what happened." Mike says.

This pissed me off and I got off Jake's lap and tight grip.

"Tell him.."

Jake looks at me like he knows what I was about to say.

"Fine, but that female better stay way."

Jake pulls me back and kisses my head.

"Luna can I talk to you alone for a second?" Mike asks.

Jake growls, but we both know Mike is Loyal to his Alphas.


Jake lets me go but then pulls me in for a kiss.

Once I walk out of the office Mike looks so nervous.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"Um I found my mate." Mike says.

"Congratulations, who is it?"

"That is the thing she does not know since she is too young. I mean she will know in a few months." Mike says.

"So she is not 18 yet?"

"No." Mike says.

So the history on mates in this sittuation is when one is older than the other by at least ten years the younger mate will not know until they turn 18 no matter if they have a beast or not.

"How long have you known?"

"Since she came back about 3 years ago." Mike says.

Dang that is long for not even being able to be with their mate.

"Who is it?"

"The Alpha's adopted sister." Mike says.

Now I know why he did not want Jake to know just yet.

The only time I have ever seen her was in pictures, but Jake would talk about her like she is his real little sister. I mean I never got to meet her since she was either at boarding school or somewhere else.

"Okay I need some food before we continue."

my 7 mates (Book 1 Completed)Where stories live. Discover now