chapter 18

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When i came to all i see is white walls and door. There is a window, but it is covered with white blind shades. I look at my arm and see an IV and that i am connected to machines. I put my hand on my baby bump and i thank the Moon Goodess and everyone that my pup is okay and is kicking my hand. I lay back down and try to remember how i got in this room. After 5 minutes i came up with nothing. I do not remember being brought to this room. The only thing i remember is seesing the one guy from my nightmares and then blacking out. Hopefully i did not cauae any harm to my pup. The nurse walks in with Adonis and Jake telling them it will be okay. Adonis's eye lock with mine letting me see how worried he was and how happy he is now. Jake walks over to me and kisses my head then has the nurse leave after she checks everything.

"Love do you remember anything before waking up?" Jake asks.

"I did not dream."

"No Love. What he means is before you blacked out." Adonis says.

"Yes. How is he one of my mates?"

Then the door bust open reviling the one and only person we were talking about. The one person i do not want to be around let allone dream of.

"Mine!" He shows his blackish red eyes to the nurse.

"My love are you okay. I did not mean...." He says before i cut him off.

"Do not ask me that question. Do not talk to me. And stop torching me in my dreams. I want you to leave me alone."

When he does move and does not make any signs of leaving i loose my patients.


He looks at me and then Adonis and Jake. He leaves with his head down low and if he has a tail then it be between his legs. Do i feel bad? Not really since every nightmare i had was of him chasing me like i am food or something. And once he caught me i am in the dungeons chained to a bed with so many torcher tools next to me. Before he could use any tool i would wake up screaming or sweating. I stil remember the last one where i heard another female scream multiple times. I do not recall what she was screaming, but i do recall it was out of pain and horror. Then he walks in with blood all over him. That is when i woke up sweating wanting to scream.

"Love he is one of your mates....." Jake and Adonis says.

"I do not care. I will not mate with a monster who torches for fun."

After they leave i just wanted to be in Adonis's arms, but i have to stay hear for another day just to make sure our pup is fine. Adonis did have to leave though to take care of business. Hinse why i feel so alone.

Drake's Pov

After she told me to leave i wanted to hurt everyone. Why can i not be like her other mate in her eyes. To her they are sweet angels compared to me . she sees me as a monster who loves and lives for torching people. I just want her and want our bond to get stronger. When our bond gets stronger then she can not deny my love for her. Also when our bond gets stronger i can protect her always in her dreams, nightmares, and when she is awake. But she wants nothing to do with me. It hurts like hell to have my mate not want me. I bet it will hurt more when she rejects me. If she rejects me then my humanity will be losts for ever and that is not a good thing. For me to loose my humanity it would look a lot like her other mates humanity lost, but mine will cause faster death and horror around the planet. It all depends how fast i loose my humanity of the affect it has. When i first saw her in a dream she looked so beautiful i almost lost it. I mean i would never hurt her by doing that, but just that one look and i was going crazy to find her and mate. So i used to have her dream and i would be there, but the last one i killed a girl for even ploting to hurt my mate. Once my mate saw blood all over me i knew i was a goner. I could see horror, fear, sadness, anger, hatred, and so many other emotions writen on her and in her eyes that since then i never walked into any dream she had unless she was in danger. Only then i was there, but she never saw me let alone i never talked to her. When i saw her today i knew they where keeping me from my mate, but i did not know why until i saw the baby bump. I felt such a jerk and i wanted to make everything up, but know i can not since she wants nothing to do with me. When she rejects me it will be the worst day for me and for everyone, but i deserve it let alone deserve to be miserable. I usually do not care for anyone, but when it comes to my mate i would give her anything she wants no matter how much or how big it is. I love her since the first time i saw her.

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