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After they left to give me some space I was greatful at first, but now not so much.

"Let's go for a run." My wolf barks up knowing I am bord out of my mind.

"I do not think we can..."

"No you just don't want to piss off our mates more." My witch says rolling her eyes.

"That, the doctor's orders, and I do not want to risk our babies lifes."

"Well we need to shift or we will get very stiff." My vampire says.

Next thing I know is our area darting in here and Jake pick me up. He carries me to our backyard while my wolf yaps all happy. Jake soon sets us down carefully and all my mates watch me.

"Shift." All my mates say at the same time.

I do and this time I am shifted in all my beasts making me feel more energized and powerful. Soon I take off running and dodging any obstacles having my mates chase me. I only stop knowing I am about to cross over into another pack making Jake howl. I stop just in a nick of time and the Alpha eyes me in the other pack on his run. I nod at him and Jake growls lowly making the other Alpha look at him rather than me. Adonis rubs against me making the sparks intensify. The Alpha bows and Adonis stops so I took this opportunity to dart away before my other mates become very possessive. So I turned around and darted quietly until I heard Jack's howl.

'Jack's in control.' My wolf says all happy.

I darted faster not so quietly until I heard them near. So I climbed a near by tree and waited. When they came into view I can sense their beasts in control making mine throw our scent.  They greedily inhaled an looked up at me. Drake shakes his head at me like he knows what I am about to do. So I jump tree to tree until there is no more then I climb down. Once my feet touches the group my mates pull me closer and we start to mate one by one with each of my seven mates until they are satisfied.

When I woke up I am in our room with all my mates in here.

"My love what were you trying to do?" Kile asks.

I could see he was holding back by eye eyes changing to a dark chocolate with red specks.


"You know you will be the death of us." Drake says.

"But you all love us."

"Yes!" All seven of my mates say together.

"Are you guys happy we are having one each?"

"Of course." They all say together before sitting closer to me.

My stomach grumbles making them chuckle and Adonis picked me up before we are all heading towards the kitchen. Once there I see Jake's sister making me remember Mike. She nods at me and Jake hugs her making me a bit jealious,but I remind myself she is his sister and Mike's mate. Adonis sets me down after Sam pulls out a chair while Kile starts cooking. He cooks us all steak and eggs and soon they are done, but then the female walks in making me hiss at her. She growls back making my hands glow with blue flames until Jake and Adonis stops it. I still throw the flame perpousely missing her before going back to my food. I could feel their eyes and their disapproval, but I did not care at the moment. That was until she spoked up about me throwing the flame.

"Jake! Did you see what she did? She could have killed me!" The female says.

"Can you never shut the f up? If I wanted to kill you I could have in a heart beat with or without my mates here."

"Yeah right..." She says, but stops when I am in front of her showing my fangs.

"You want to finish that?"

She shooked her head no making me smile.


I turned around and see Trevor leaving taking a call.

"Oh and another thing leave MY MATES ALONE!"

She gulps and I realized I shifted in all my beasts.

Kile pulls me aside and I can see his fangs poking out. I knew what he needs and it turns me on know only I can supply it. He pulls me in for a kiss, but when my hands run down his muscluar chest he pulls back. Instantly I am picked up and in a flash I am back in our room with all my mates before Kile mates with me and we feed off eachother.

my 7 mates (Book 1 Completed)Where stories live. Discover now