chapter 55

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After we got clean and presentable we head downstairs to have dinner. There at the dinner table is Jake, Jaden, Adonis, Andrew, Kile, Kimberly, Gerald, Andrea, Drake, Deacon, Trevor, and of course Jake's and Adonis's betas. I give Danny a dirty glare since I still have not had chocolate milk since he has gotten here. After Sam pulls out my chair I sit and Trevor gets up leaving the table. I watch him with hurt eyes and I want to see what is wrong, but I do not want to be rude. I look at Sam and he nods letting me out of my chair. I follow Trevor's scent which leads me to his room. There I find him packing like he is about to leave.


He doesn't even turn around.

"Trevor please talk to me. What is wrong?"

"Why him? You woke up to me to my voice not his!" I have been waiting longer than him. I have been faithful unlike him! I can not take it any longer." Trevor says.

"Trevor please do not leave."

"Give me three good reason why not." Trevor says.

"Because I love you, I do not want you to go, and because if you leave then I will only be worried about you."

"Angel what do you want from me? I can not stand by watching my mate be mates to six other males and I still do not get you." Trevor says.

"Trevor I know.."

"You know!? No you do not know! I have waited over thirty centuries to find my mate. And once I find her I also find out she has six other mates. And I am suppose to stay here and watch you be happy hoping once you heal it is our turn. No I can not do it. I am the Prince of all lycans and in charge of all werewolves. I will not sit around like I am nothing more that a trophy or an object only used to be put back never getting the only wish I have ever made." Trevor states.

"Trevor I do understand, I feel your lycans within me. I do not want you to feel that way, but I can not let you go. I need you to be with me not just for peace of mind, but also because I can not take it if you leave especially when your heart is breaking. I did not choose to have seven mates. I thought I only had one soulmate. Please Trevor at least stay until tomorrow afternoon. Give me that wish and in return once it is our turn I will never leave your side and I will make you feel how you deserve to feel and be treated. I do love you Trevor and I do understand. I just can not loose you, not now not ever."

Trevor turns and looks at me.

"Fine until tomorrow afternoon." Trevor says.

I grab his hand and hug him kissing right where his heart lays. Once my stomach growls he walks me back to the dinning room helping me with my chair. All through dinner I can feel the tension between Trevor and Sam, but also the problem that has yet to be solved. I do not know how long any of us can stand this. What I do know is if we do not end the threat for good and I am pregnant again it will happen again until the threat is eleminated or the threat gets what they want. 

When Sam carries me to bed all I think about is Trevor and the threat that I did not notice we are already in bed cuddling until I feel him nibbling on on shoulder blade a bit.

"Love, what is wrong?" Sam asks.

"Just worried about the threat and Trevor. I mean he has accepted that I have a total of 7 mates, but he resolution is breaking more each time. And the threat might just kill me or our baby next time if we do not know who is the inside person."

Sam turns me over to look into my eyes.

"Love are you..." Sam asks.

"I do not know if we are pregnant yet."

"Do you.......?" Sam asks.

"Of course I want to be carrying our baby."

Sam kisses me on my lips, but this kiss is missing the lightning feeling. You know the feeling that makes your breathe being taken away. Well that is what is missing from this kiss. After our kiss Sam just cuddles me laying on his stomach with his arm extended.

Hi everyone so I am updating this chapter sooner than I have told some of you because of my day yesterday and I am more than happy that most of you (my lovely readers) are enjoying this book.

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