chapter 21

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Adonis's POV

I ran out into the woods shifting midair. I can not believe her. How can she act so childish especially while carrying our pup, the heir to the werewolf throne, and not see she would be better off to listen and do as the doctors say?

'You know she will shift after birth. And to top that off she knows about what you, Jake, Kile, and Drake where talking about. She is terrified not only of her well being, but our pup's. She can feel our pup's worry. You have to understand it is not just her emotions anymore since becoming pregnant.'

'Why are you so suddenly calm Derrick?'

'Because you are an idiot when it comes to our mate's feelings and emotions. I do still want to rip out that mother lover's throat, claw his face up where no one can reconise he is the ruler there, claw and dig out his heart, and see the life drain out of him, but our mate is more important right now.'

'I am not an idiot.'

'Says the one who just broke our mates heart and being cold to her. Also not realizing she heard every word that was said in the hospital before ahe sneezed. Now go to mate or so help you i will force you to beg for forgiveness until our last breathe and make sure when she gives birth and shifts you will not ever be around her or our pup until she forgives you if ever.'

Arrogent wolf thinks he is better than me, but i can not loose my mate. If that prick gets her i will fight till my last breath for her. I hate how that prike has tried to take everything away from me and my family, but he will never get my mate and that is a promise.

Kile's POV

It has been days since the talk in the hospital, but nothing has happen yet. My vampire is dying to meet Angel and to kill that Butt wipe who wants her for his sick games. Drake has not even spent time with Angel and i can tell she is very hirt by it. No one knows, but myself she does not want to loose him ever. No it is not the bond or the pull of the bond that is causing this reaction from her. Adonis has been protoling more than any of us, but i understand why. Our mate's life is in danger and so is his pup with her. He has been a jerk often, but when it comes to our mate he has changed his additude a bit. They sleep together and he apologizes to her a lot, but he is sincere about being sorry. Angel and myself have gotten closer and i can tell once she has healed after giving birth my vampire will not be tamed anymore. There is only two things he wants. One being to mate with our mate and the other being to end the treat to her life. Each day he wants her more and each day my thirst gets stronger. He has almost taken full control from me when Angel kissed my cheek. Jake has brought Jaden to be with Angel every day. Poor Jaden knows nothing about what might happen if we fail, but we will not. All our beasts have been on high alert and been trying to take full control to end the treat. Jaden has been hyper just to show how great of a big brother he will be. Drake has been trying to make the mixture and get the ingredients, but he still says it will not work without the main two ingredients his dad has. I have learned that those ingredients can be made by a witch, but we do not want to put Angel's life at stake. If we trust one wrong person everthing will be ruined. I do not even want to go into the concecences if that happens. We do know one of her other mates will be a male witch also called a warlock, but we do not know who it is and we can not force the meeting of our mate and him even if Angel's life counts on it. If the bond happens too soon it can lead to so much damange. The moon goddess has made it where, when, and how they will meet.

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