chapter 15

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Jake takes me to our private area where he has set up Jaden's playground. He says sweet nothings to me until i calm down to the point i have hicups. Then i tell him about everything there from finding out about being pregnant to to leaving. Jake is not happy that i was ignored, but he understands something i do not. Anyways we head to see our pup Jaden playing with sone of the pack kids. I smile until one of the boys push Jaden in the mud and starts laughing. I do not know what came over me, but seeing my pup being treated like that set something free. I growl fiercely making the kids look at me shaking. The boy who pushed him does not look familiar, but i can tell he knows who i am.

"Mommy!" Jaden says geting up and limping to me making me growl again.

"Mommy up?" Jaden asks reaching up for me.

I pick him up while Jake takes care of the boy since something more animal was set free in me. I bring Jaden inside to clean him up and check the cut that is bleeding. After taking care of him i go to Jake and my room to change. In the closet are my clothes that i wore while pregant with Jaden. I change into a white flower printed dress and some black flats. While taken care of Jaden he was courious of my stomach and now he knows i am pregnant again. I walk to Jake's office to see a man i have never seen before and a female with the boy who treated my son below dirt. I growl again not able to keep it in and the man's eyes snapped to me. Our eye connect and i can tell he is part vampire. I bare my teeth showing no fear and also alot of anger. The female who is a werewolf bows.

"Your. Alpha Majesty, i am truly sorry for my son and husband. Please forgive us." She says.

"Thank you for apologizing, but you did nothing wrong. Your son pushed my and Alpha Jake's son then laugh like it was funny seeing my son bleed. Your husband here is a deferent case since he does not know who i am let alone who i will be."

The man stares at me with disrespect and i bare my teeth once again.

"I advise you to show your soon to be Vampire Queen respect. I do not tolorate disrespect to my son or to myself."

"Love please calm down." Jake says.

"No. Not until they learn respect like she does."

"Please Alpha Majesty, our son did not mean to be very disrespectful and my husband is not used to this." The female says.

"I will expect that this is taken care of by you and your husband, but if it happens again i will not be so nice."

"Alpha, King Kile is here. " Dwan says who is one of the top guards.

Jake nods and Kile walks in.

"My Queen. Alpha Jake. Sam. Samantha. Steffen." Kile says.

I can feel his cold demeaner making me hurt a bit, but i will not show it.

"My King this is a big misunderstanding." Sam says.


Kile's eye zone on me.

"I will hear both sides and chose the punishment." Kile say.

"WHAT! Kile he hurt my son. You know just like everyone else if it was our child it would not be the same. Including if the council got involved."

Kile looks at me like i should not push the matter or else. So i walked away.

"I hate you and i hate this. My son should be treated better."

I walked all they way to Jake's mom's place to be with Jaden. Once i see Jaden i calm down a bit and hold him to me like my life depends on holding him close to me. I know i did not mean i hate Kile. I just hate how he is acting. I wonder what Adonis is doing right now. If he is thinking about me and our pup. If he misses us. I start crying and Jaden wipes my tears away until i force myself to stop crying. Jaden gets out of my arms to eat dinner with Kristy (Jake's mom). She offers me food, but i decline knowing i have to eat certain things while pregnant with Adonis's pup. Unlike being pregnant with Jaden this time i have limited thing my pup likes so i do not get sick so much. Jake walks in and looks at me while silently telling me we got to talk. I get up kissing Jaden's head then follow Jake to his office. Once there not only Kile is there, but also Adonis. Our eye meet and he gets up kissing me.

"Love i am sorry i did not put your needs at least the same level as other things." Adonis says.

I kiss him back feeling better. Just being in his arms makes me feel content.

"We got to talk about what is happening to Angel." Jake says.

"It is easy both of you have mated and marked her then got her pregnant. She has the abilities as a werewolf including the possessive feelings." Kile says.

I can still feel his cold demeanor. So i go set with Adonis, but on his lap.

"Nothing is happening beside standing up to butholes."

Kile leaves to go for blood. I wonder where he is going for blood. I get off Adonis lap and follow Kile until we are in the forest.

"My Queen i can tell you are following me." Kile wisher yells.

I stay quiet hoping he will show me where he was going.

"My Queen i can tell you are still hurt from me, but you are following me to see where i am going for blood." Kile says.

I still stay quiet.

"My Queen i hooe you know i will not ever touch another female again like i did before meeting you." Kile says.

"I knew you lied to be about being a virgin!"


"Oh my queen if you did not listen and believe me then how am i going to make you see i never had my parts in a female before." Kil says.

"Why act so cold to me when i am hurting and angry?"

Before i know it he is in front of me.

"Because my queen i love you too much and it is hard to do my king duties while being around you and showing fairness. Is it or is it not a human definition incent until proven guilty?" Kile asks.

"He is guilty. I just want the kid to say sorry and mean it plus never do it again. It was showing disreaspect not just to Jaden, but also me. Especially his father showing me disrespect by staring me down like i am nothing, but food then trash."

Kile's eye changed a blood red.

"He will not hurt you love I'll make sure of it." Kile says.

After ten more minute Kile finds a deer and drinks its blood while breaking peices off to cook for me.

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