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She starts kicking and hissing since they ganged up on us and picked us up. That stopped when we felt my baby kicking then she allows it enjoying the feeling of our baby being active and alive. It was like our baby's kicking was the antidote to my vampire's anger. She allows me to have control and I rub my baby bump making Trevor look down at me smiling like he knew. That was until we got back to our room. Once he sets me on the bed his anger started to show. It was like before he was so worried that the anger was overruled, but not the we are safe his anger is overpowering his good mood. What am I to expect, we did run to danger and we did fight to be taken to a more safe location. You would think by now I would learn to stay away from danger especially when I am pregnant including when my mates tell me to leave the unsafe area. I guess I allow my stubbornness over take my brain. It is my fault Trevor is angry now and it is my fault that we are in this situation. If we never went to the cells then Trevor and I could be doing something more loving. I did not choose that option, but made it worse by not leaving when my mates were trying to get me out of the cells. Trevor looks at me and snarls then runs out the room in a flash.

'Okay so I made him more than angry. When will I ever learn this lesson?'

I got up and instead following my instincts to go after him I went and took a bath.

'It is best I stay put rather that risk making him more angry than he already is.'

I start the bath and got in, but as soon as I start to relax Gerald and Andrea pops in. Gerald's eyes shine with love and lust while Andrea's eyes shine with hope until she popped back out. The bubbles that covered my naked body did little help of feeling unexposed. It was like he could see through the massive amount of bubbles that covers me. He starts walking to me and sits on the side of the tub.

"It has been a long time since...." Gerald says until I interrupped him

"What did you need?"

His eyes shined with hurt, but he covers it up.

"I came to for fill my promise." Gerald says.

"While I am in the tub?"

"Well I did not plan it like this, but it is still a win." Gerald says.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Either way I tell you everything and this way the air is less likely to turn sour. Plus we both know you are more calm while taking a bath than any other time." Gerald says.

"So it has nothing to do with the boner you are starting to get?"

"It is nice to know you still look there, but I can not lie. It is a win for me because it has been a long time we were like this." Gerald says.

"Well take it in because of your little stunt I might not allow it to happen ever again."

"We both know you still love me and all I have tried is to keep you safe." Gerald says.

"That might be, but look at the conveniences espically this last one."

"To Shay." Gerald says.

"Can you either stop looking at me with lust while in the predicament we are in or get out."

"I miss kissing those full lips making my way to your sweet juices." Gerald says.

"Either tell me everything that has to do with the plan or get out and wait until I am ready."

"Fine, but know I was only thinking about ending the threats for good." Gerald says looking away.

It hurt when he looked away, but I knew it had to be done before Trevor came back to see and hear us like this.

"Go on."

"So the night we were all suppose to come up with a plan I volunteered to be the bait. Most of the guys were against it, but I had to prove if my sister is part of it and we needed an upper hand. I knew I had to be the one for the threats to end quicker and more successfully. The day I left I purposely pushed you away to lessen the effects our mate bond will have on us. I knew if I did not push that hard then both of us would hurt more bad and it would increase everyday we were not together. It hurt to do it, but I wanted you to feel safe. I wanted the kids to be safe. After I pushed the last time I had to leave quickly, because I knew I hurt you and if I stayed any longer I would have just scooped you up and held you. After I was gone I went to the spot Kat and I used to always meet up at. After that we talked and ate until she trusted me to meet the others. Once I did the wanted me to prove my loyalty by taking our daughter to them. Unlike other times I could not notify the guys of the information so when we arrived I stepped on a twig. That is when the fight happened and I was thrown into the cell. After a while The guys brought me to the doctor and you know the rest." Gerald says.

"So why did you not respond to my beasts calls?"

"I knew if I did the pain would increase and the chance of ending the treat would slip through my fingers. I wanted to tell you, but the guilty and worry was stopping me. I wanted to call out back to you, but I did not want you to feel anymore pain than you were already feeling." Gerald says.

That is when Trevor walks in and snarls at Gerald.

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