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Gerald's POV

I knew it had to be me to be the bait since we do not know for sure if my sister is part of this threat. If she is I know I would be crushed and my world would crumble. My sister has been part of my life and we have gone through some very tough times, but we always had each other's back. So I hope she is not part of any threat to my mate. I also knew leaving Andrea behind with her guards was not very wise, but it was for the best. I knew if I brought her back to the school or to a friend then the word would get around and this situation would get worse. And to top it Andrea is the little version of Angel, so mycheavious and when provoked she will get even times a million. I knew Andrea needs her mom and Angel needs her, so that gave me some peace.

Through the meeting it was difficult, but after the meeting all I wanted was to hold Angel on last time. I knew she was going to be more than pissed off at me, but I just have to remind myself it is worth it if it keeps her safe. All night I had to tell myself this and yet it only fustrated me more. So in the morning after we told her about the plan, leaving the part that I am the bait out of it. I let a tear slip knowing I would miss her and the chances of her ever forgiving me, if I do come back, is slim to nothing.

"Then I vote Mrs. Perfect." Angel says and that is when I let a tear slip.

I walked away, even when she called for me, all the way to my room here. Once inside I sat on the bed waiting for her knowing she would hunt me down.

Why can't my mate and sister get along and act like close friends?

I smelt her scent and heard her coming so I let another tear slip and hide my head in my hands.

"Gerald?" Angel asks opening the door without knocking.

"Please leave."

I knew I had to push to get to then end result of leaving so the plan of ending the threat can start.

"Not until I apologize. I know I saw a tear and what I said hurt you."

I mastered all my energy of thinking about my mate's safety and what it might cost.

"Yeah, but not you."

I did not mean it to come out so harsh like I demise her. In fact I worship the ground she walks, but I have to act otherwise so that the plan can start.

"I am sorry I hurt you, but I am not sorry I said it. My gut still tells me she is part of it." Angel says taking a step to me.

I turned to her and thought of him having my mate and what he might do to her. Then showed that anger towards my mate.

"So it is not because she was Kile's before you came along?"

The look she gave me when I said that broke my heart, so I put a mask on only allowing her to see the anger and hatred.

"No it is not." Angel say crossing her arms.

"I do not believe you."

"If you believe or think that is the reason then maybe you should go back to your presious sister!" Angel yells at me.

I knew I pushed her to her breaking point which broke my heart.

"Fine I will!"

I get up trying not to grab her, to hold her and kiss her, then stormed out of my room. I did not stop getting away even when she cried. In fact that only motivated me to move faster knowing if I stay any longer my resolve would break and the chance to end the whole threat would vanish.

Once out of Kile's kingdom I ran knowing where, the greatest chance, to find my sister.  I ran all the way to the pond my sister and I always meet up if we need each other. It was the only place my parents did not know of to find my sister. And yet it was not far from where we grown up.

Once at the pond I sat down on the sand and looked at the lake waiting for her to arrive.

The pond was not small, but it was not the size of a lake. It was the size of a round football field. It has fishes, rocks, and some branches from the tree on the cliff. It is pretty deep and the last time I tried to reach the bottom I was halfway before I needed air, which made my sister laugh. She laughed so hard that she fell in and it made her ruin her new perm. That made me laugh and started a water fight until we got hungry.

"What are you doing her?" My sister, Kat, asks.

I turn around and look at her.

"I got into a fight with Angel and it broke us up."

She looks at me skeptal, but after a while she gives my a half smile.

"I know how much you wanted your mate when we were growing up." My sister, Kat, says.

"Yeah, but now we are over it was all for just pain."

I knew I had to show some weakness to get her to trust me.

"At least you got Andrea or did she take her away from you?" My sister Kat asks.

"I left Andrea with her mother and that is for her best interest. Plus just looking at her would just make this wound fresher."

Kat nods like she understands.

"So why are you here exactly?" Kat asks.

"I came her to get away from everything that reminds me of her and Andrea."

"You could of went back to the cabin." Kat says like she is testing me.

"Yes, but it was never completely calm and I was never completely happy there. So I came here to relax and think of happier times."

She nods in understanding since the day she found out she was adopted she stated the cabin was not her home.

"Are you hungry?" Kat asks.

I nod.

"Let's go, I know of a great diner that serves anything you can think of." Kat says.

I got up and followed her all the way to the diner she was talking about.

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