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Hi so i am updating early since today is my last day of learning. I have made another chapter which will be posted tomorrow.

When i woke up Drake was there with Sam and Jake. I try sitting up, but then a ping of pain shot to my head.

"Love do not move you have machines all over you." Drake says.

"What happened? All i remember is crying and the fight."

"After you got between Drake and Gerald you blacked out from their powerful fight." Sam says.

'our baby saved us. They made it so their powering would not hurt us.' My vampire says.


'she is protecting our baby.' My vampire says.

The nurse comes in and writes somethings down then leaves.

"Love why is Gerald...?" Jake asks.

I can tell they want and need to know what happened.

"I am pregnant. He thinks its not his cause of our first mating i was nervious. He thought i was only mating with him cause of the war and wanting to help Drake. He thought i love Drake more. I love all my mates the same and he can not see past his irrational jealousy. Last night he got upset cause they were not working and asked why, so i told him i think it is because i am pregnant. That lead to him accusing me of not ever going to tell him and it spiralled after that from his jealousy and anger. He would not let me explain that i only knew since yesterday at lunch when both my wolf and vampire told me i am and that is why they are not working. Before that i did not know. I wanted to tell and and all of my mates the rest of the day, but i was in shock and i took a pregnancy test which comfirmed it. I was and still am scared for the war is going to happen before my baby is going to be born. I am scared it will end badly for me and my baby. I am scared and worried. Now i feel cracked and broken. All because if...."

"Sh its okay love, we understand." Drake says while Jake and Sam nods.

"Where is everyone?"

"Adonis is with Jaden and Andrew to keep them calm and occupied. Kile is with Kimberly trying to control her before she kills Gerald and everyone here..." Sam says.


"She saw the fight and heard last night. I think she has a connection bond with you more than we thought before." Drake says.

My daught saw and heard and maybe felt. I am a horrible mother and mate.

"Where is Gerald then?"

"He is locked in one of the cage prisons to keep him safe also to make him calm down."  Jake says.

'Kile can not calm her quickly only we can.' My vampire says.

'How? Why?'

'When The fighting and everything with Kile the Moon Goddess made a bond with us and with Kimberly to protect her and us from any harm. She was growing weak in the beginning until the bond was made. Then she was gretting better, but at a faster rate cause of the war. When we mated with Kile last time before the time before our delivery it kicked in the growth rate. And then the last time made the labor kick in so we could mate with Gerald before the war to help Drake and to increase our winning chances. Drake's dad made a new hybrid so the unplanned and unseen early labor made it so we could defeat it quicker.' My vampire explains.

"Bring me Kimberly."

All of then look at me confused and worried.

"I said bring me my daughter now!"

Drake leaves to get her while the nurse takes some of the mashine equipment off of me.

I can feel everyone's worry.

After a while i could feel Kimberly getting close to the door with Kile and Drake. Once she enters i can see she is trying to hold everything back.

"Kimberly come to mommy."

Kile walks her to me and puts her on the bed. I grab onto her holding her to my chest rocking us back and forward.

"Mommy i was scared and worried..." Kimberly mumbles.

"Sh its okay i am here right with you now. I am sorry you saw and heard that. No child should go through that."

After an hour she falls asleep in my arms and kile takes her to her room.

I got to stay here until the morning just to make sure our baby is okay.

In the morning i was discharged and i decided to visit Gerald. So i had Drake take me to him, but with both of us knowing if Kile finds out he will be more than ferrious. I walked over twenty steps before i lost count. I can feel our vonnection and bond is on thin ice. Once there Drake punches in a code and lets me in while he gaurds the cell. Well it is more than a cell. It is a prison box made so than no human or super natural being could excape. There laying down asleep is the father of my baby and one of my mates. He looks so stressed and the more i look at him the more i noticed bruises, cuts, dark marks, creases, etc.

"Gerald I love you so much and i am sorry. I am sorry i did not tell you at lunch or when i took the pregnancy test, but i told you the same day. Well i told you that night. I was scared, shock, worriedetc., but most of all i was shocked. I did not mean to make you angry or anything. I did not even know how to tell you with everything happening. I just knew how i felt and how i wanted to tell you and the rest of my mates here. I wanted to tell you when you were not stressed, but i wanted to tell you asap. I am sorry this happened. I am sorry i hurt you and our connection and bond. I love you so much."

I walked out of the cell with Drake putting in the code leaving a sleeping Gerald and my confession in there. The further i walked away the more my heart cracked.

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