Chapter 91 - A Cry for Help

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It was later in the evening, and Legosi and Louis were finishing up their dinner of ravioli. "These were pretty good, even if they were just frozen. Do you think you'd know how to make them from scratch, though?" Legosi asked.

"It might take some work, but you'd know I'd attempt anything for you."

The wolf looked up at the ceiling. "What made our wedding cake?"

The deer smiled widely. "Mmm..." He came over and stroked his cheek. "And you decorated the wedding itself."

Legosi smiled equally as wide. "Do you...think stars are overdone?"


"Good...because I think that's our theme." Legosi reached a clawed hand toward the ceiling, grabbing at the air. "We have our sights set high, and even if the stars aren't there, we'll keep reaching for them."

"Always and forever."

Legosi, feeling his nose start to stuff up again, reached for the spray Jack had given him. He inserted it into one of his nostrils, but to his dismay, found that it was empty. "Oh..."

"You...really ran out that fast?"

"Well, id mighd have been half full..." The carnivore also realized he may have simply used it more than he should have. He really wanted to nip this thing in the bud.

"Huh...We can get more soon."

Legosi stood up. "I'll go see if Jag has more." He walked over to his coat and slipped it back on. "Id'll jusd be a lil bid."

"Wait, really? It's late!"

"Only 9pm." The scarf went around his face again.

"I'll be back, and den we can watch something," Legosi promised.

Louis came close and hugged him tightly. "I love you, be safe. Come back soon, I already miss you."

Legosi giggled. "I'm jusd going back to my old dorm, silly. I love you doo." With that, he was out the door. He made his way back from room 701. Jack couldn't believe that he went through the bottle he had given him earlier, but he had a new one ready. The wolf thanked him and assured him this one would last.

The night was cold and dark, and a bitter wind cut through the campus, causing Legosi to stop for a moment. He shivered, reaching for the bottle he had just been given.

Shuffling behind him made his ears perk up. He started to turn around, but a hard impact to his head knocked him over. Before he could get his bearings, another impact turned his whole world black.


Louis was waiting at home, wiggling his feet and watching the TV. He couldn't wait to see his fiance again.

A while passed, then a little bit more. He decided to call him, finding his contact and raising the phone to his ear.

No answer.

He tried calling again. Still no answer. He sent him a message.

Louis: Hey, where are you?

After a few minutes passed, still nothing. He furrowed his brows. Where is he...? Probably just distracted.

Then more time passed, and the thoughts in his mind got more intense. Finally, his anxiety got too high for him to handle, so he got up and got ready to go to room 701.

He got his warm clothes on and scarf, grabbing his gun since he was going out alone. He made sure to lock the door after he left and headed toward the school.

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