Chapter 53 - A Little Talk With Gon 2: The Sequel

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Some time later...

    It was another Saturday and Legosi had gotten up early to go see Principal Gon. Louis looked so beautiful sleeping in the bed when he left. He had written a note and put it on his pillow to tell him he would be out for a bit. He knew Louis didn't like waking up alone with no explanation.

He pulled his parka close to him, shivering. It sure had gotten frigid in a hurry. There'd be snow any day now. Legosi liked snow more than the cold.

    The wolf entered the building, seeing that the tiger was actually out of his office and standing in the hall, looking at the awards case. His footsteps alerted him.

    Gon's ears perked and he turned. "Legosi!"


    The principal grinned, his kind eyes closed behind those glasses. "It's so good to see you!"

    Legosi smiled wide, making his eyes squint. That, coupled with his ever-wagging tail, made it clear that the wolf was in high spirits.

    "Would you like to go for a walk or talk in the office?"

    Legosi bounced along. "Let's walk, Gon-san!" He unzipped his jacket a bit, since it was warmer inside.

    Gon smiled. "So...Tell me everything."

    "Well, Louis and I had, a few days ago. About his eating. And after a bit, he agreed to try and start eating more, and he has been." Legosi waved his arms as he walked, unable to contain all the excitement.


    Legosi nodded, excitedly. "And he's been a lot happier lately! He says he wants to go to the New Year's dance!"

    "That's going to be a magical night."

    "Um." Legosi touched the claws of his forefingers together. "Do you think we'll be okay? I mean, that'll be when all the students really"

    Gon scratched his chin, gently. "I can't really tell you."

    Legosi huffed. "Well, we'll hang around our friends, then. Everyone in club and my old roommates know and support us." He thought for a moment. "Well, except Juno, I think. I'm not sure what to do when it comes to her."

    Gon blinked. "What about her?"

    "Well, I know she wanted to be the one to date me, and now she won't even talk to me, and whenever I'm with Louis she just glares. It's been a while now." Legosi rubbed his arm.

    Gon blinked. "Why does she like you?"

    "Well, I guess she just does. Back at the meteor festival she wanted to place a candle by the dinosaur with me and she also asked me out. I had to turn her down, but it seems like she still has those feelings."

    "Wow." Gon wiped his eyes under his glasses. "I don't know my students as well as I thought."

    "Well, there are a lot of them. There's no way you could know them all." Legosi folded his hands behind him as he walked along. Talking to this tiger was nice. Calming. It was similar to talking to his grandpa. He wondered if his dad would have been this easy to talk to, if he had ever been around.

    "True. I guess you're right. You should probably not give Juno any more reasons to go after you."

    Legosi sighed. "I wish we could be friends, though. We go through similar things, since we're both the same species. I guess that might be why she likes me, though."

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