Chapter 26 - A Game of Shogi (The Third Hell Month: Louis)

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Week 1

There was a knock at Louis' door as the deer looked up. He opened it and then smiled when he saw Shogi, holding a box with the board game with his name.

"Hello, Louis-sama!" he grinned. "I had to go out and buy this for you since we didn't have it in the building, so please take good care of it!"

Louis crossed his arms. "Looks like we will just have to use it multiple times." He stepped to the side. "Come on in."

Shogi looked apprehensive, looking left and right. "Are you sure, Louis-sama? I don't want to get fired over this..."

"Nonsense, you're just keeping me company as my personal servant," Louis said.

The sheep considered this, then nodded. "I suppose you're right." He walked in and set the game down on the desk. "Where shall we play?"

Louis shut the door and locked it, the sheep blinking and then swallowing.


Louis walked forward. "It's just Louis. You don't have to treat me like your master in here."

Shogi blinked again. "Excuse me?"

"I think servants are unnecessary. We can all do things on our own," the deer explained. "Here, we can be equals."

"I...don't understand..." the butler said.

Louis came over and put his hand on his shoulder. "I'm trying to tell you that we can just hang out here and talk normally."

"What are you trying to do, Louis-sama, erm, Louis?" the sheep asked.

"I want to be friends," the deer smiled warmly. "That's all."

"With all due respect," the sheep tapped his fingers together. "I already think we're friends...You are way nicer to me than you have the right to be."

Louis went and put his hand on the box of shogi. "There's no point in treating you like dirt."

"That's very nice of you to say," Shogi smiled. "Shall we play?"


Week 2

"My brother is actually very ill," Shogi explained, sitting on his side as he moved his piece on the board. He and Louis had decided to play again after last week's game (Shogi won and Louis wanted a rematch). "I'm the only butler that doesn't live in the building. It pays well, especially working for Oguma-sama."

Louis nodded. "Wow, that's very noble of you to want to help him that way." He moved his piece.

Shogi put a hand on his chin as he thought about his next move. "I honestly like the job. Making food for you has been wonderful."

Louis looked to the side."About that..."

The sheep looked up, stopping the game. "Don't tell me you don't like what I make..."

The deer shook his head. "No, it's not that. I...haven't really been eating it."

Shogi blinked. "Huh?"

The deer looked down. "I apologize. I know you put a lot of hard work into the meals, but I'm just never hungry enough to eat three meals a day. Sometimes, I don't even eat the meals I do take. I'll start eating them and just...stop."

The sheep blinked again. "Goodness, are you okay?'

"Honestly...I don't think so. A few months ago I thought about jumping out the window to a grisly death." He truly was more open when he was alone with someone.

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