Chapter 27 - Conflict and Resolution (The Third Hell Month: Legosi Part 1)

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Three months had passed, and the wound left by Louis' absence soon began to close. It had only been a few weeks since Legosi stopped sending texts to Louis' unresponsive number. Earlier than that, he had used Zoozle to look up Oguma and Horns, but nothing regarding Louis came up that wasn't already months old.

The drama club saw the inclusion of a new member: Pina the dall sheep. His introduction set off a lot of carnivores, and the rest of the club got the impression that he may be trying to fill the gap Louis left. Legosi tried to not let the herbivore bother him, but he did.

Juno made advancements, but Legosi always brushed her off. He felt bad for her, but there was no way he could be with her.

It was now late in October. The drama club was doing another production of Adler, but this time Juno played the reaper, and Pina played the man she needed to kill but fell in love with.

Jack was the only member of room 701 that knew about Legosi's crush (that he knew of). The rest of them knew he held Louis in high regard, though, so his sadness wasn't surprising to them. Jack had to spend a lot of time with him to make sure he was okay, sometimes even sharing the bed with him.

Over time, Legosi got better and eventually accepted the situation. Until...


Juno was rehearsing for the role of Adler, swinging her practice sword this way and that. It wasn't completely clean. She kept trying to look for Legosi, who's life was finally getting back together. No one really mentioned Louis anymore because of the wound.

Legosi stared at her from his position in the rafters. She was getting better, but he still remembered the movements Louis had made during his role. She didn't seem to be getting it quite right...

Legosi sighed. He had to move on eventually. He didn't have to date her, but he also didn't have to avoid her constantly. He climbed down the ladder, making his way over. "Juno?"

Juno jumped a bit. "Ah! L-Legosi-senpai!"

Legosi gave a little wave. "Your movements are improving, but there's one aspect of it I think could be done better. I'm using Louis-senpai's performance as a base, of course."

Juno blinked. "O-Okay..."

The other wolf reached his hand out for the sword and Juno passed it over, watching with innocent eyes. "Here, when you swing the sword this way, you need to do it with a purpose, instead of letting it carry your arms. You have to determine where you're going to stop it, if that makes sense. Here.

Legosi demonstrated a few times. Just like with dance, his ability to mimic others' movements just from watching was impressive.

Juno nodded. She moved the sword...kind of like he had. "L-Like this...?" He's so close...She had read somewhere that making the first move on a male was effective. Today was the day she would test this theory out.

"Hm. Here." He took hold of her arms, guiding her gently.

She blushed deeply. "L-Legosi-senpai..." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Do you remember...It was like this a few months ago when you helped me dance for the Meteor Festival...."

"I do..." Legosi face held a look of longing. Louis had been with them still back then...Maybe he wasn't getting better, after all.

She smiled. "You let me touch your tail and told me I could touch you to calm down...And my dance was flawless at the festival..." She blushed. "I never thanked you for that..." Do it, Juno! "So..."

She pulled him into a kiss.

People noticed almost instantly. Bill and Dom looked at one another with alarmed faces.

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