Chapter 4 - The Actor Falls

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Skipping some time ahead...

The first performance had come to an end and only Louis was left on stage. I...I did it! Did you... He started losing feelings in his legs. Did you see...? Oh...I can't feel my legs anymore...But I did it... The audience got fuzzy and suddenly everything was a blur and then a thump and then darkness. Louis the red deer had just fainted from his injuries.

Louis had performed phenomenally, just as expected. Only Legosi knew about his leg and arm injury, and he had noticed one or two times how he stumbled ever so slightly, but besides that he was immaculate. He couldn't keep his eyes off him the entire time, and that wasn't just his job with the lights talking. Right after the curtain closed, he made his way down to the stage to see how he was doing. He soon realized things were not fine, after all.

Everyone was gathered around Louis' fallen form, some trying to wake him while others called the nurse. Legosi stepped forward, steepling his fingers together nervously. Nobody had stepped forward to help him up, or pick him up for that matter, as if they expected him to wake any moment. It was in that moment that Legosi felt a strange feeling. One of responsibility and oddly, protectiveness. He didn't think much of it, as he was upon Louis in an instant, scooping him up and being mindful of his left ankle and arm. Everyone else gave him a wide berth, moving out of the way. They were very curious as to why Legosi of all animals picked him up.

Legosi was the cause of all of this, so it only made sense that he would try to make it right wherever he could, instead of hiding in the shadows as he always did.

The wolf carried Louis to the nurse's office, and they made a bed out for him. The drama club members started to trickle into the room and gather around Louis' bed, soon discovering the reason for his collapse and the blood-stained bandages on his arm. Nobody knew where those could have come from beside Legosi and Louis wasn't awake to answer, so they all sat in wait. Some believed a carnivore attacked him, but most assumed it was probably just an accident. It happened all the time, after all!

An hour or two passed and Louis still hadn't come to. The drama club thinned out, some going back to their dorms or just outside the room to wait. Not Legosi, though. He sat at the foot of the bed, trying to deal with the new feelings he was experiencing. Louis had told him to use his strength for something. Carrying him here was a good use for it, right? Protecting animals he cared about was a good use, right?

"I used my strength...senpai. Just like you wanted..."

Louis eyes opened slowly. "Nngh...What happened...?"

"Ngghk!" Legosi's throat made a strange noise in surprise. "Senpai! Ah, I-I need to get the others!"

He hesitated, staying seated as he looked back at the groggy Louis. There was a part of him that wanted to be alone with him just a little longer, and it was loud and selfish, so it won out. " okay?"

"I still can't feel my leg," he sighed. "Did the audience see me?"

Legosi shook his head. "I had the best view in the house and I only found out what happened when I came down..." Legosi swallowed. Don't ask. Don't ask. Don't ask. "So...what happened to your leg and arm, anyway...I know it happened, but how...?" Even though he already knew very well.

Louis looked at him. "None of your business."

"That's fair." Legosi breathed out through his nose. "The nurse says it's a fracture, by the way..."

"Why are you here? Of all people to leave me alone with, it had to be you?"

Legosi flinched. "I can go get everyone...A lot of them had things to do, unlike me." He fumbled with his hands. What was this feeling? Suddenly he didn't want to be away from Louis, where before he wanted to avoid him at all costs. But all he could think of was that gentle expression he saw when he cradled him in his arms. He just wanted to be close to him like that again...

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