Chapter 86 - The Beginning of the Divide

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     The next morning, both boys had fallen asleep with Zulu still playing the cat anime. Legosi was spooning Louis as they laid in bed together. It was the morning that the wolf returned to school.

    Much to their chagrin, Legosi had set the alarm days ago when he knew he would need it. Curse his foresight! It was one thing Louis had helped him more with, but being jolted awake by a vibrating phone is not how two lovers wish to awake in each others' arms.

    Louis' eyes opened and he groaned. "Turn it off..."

    Legosi groaned and made a grab for it, instead knocking it off the nightstand. He disentangled his body from Louis and lurched over the side of the bed, swiping the screen to shut the sound off. He sighed, picking the phone up and sitting at the edge of the bed. He looked back at Louis.

    The deer yawned as their eyes made contact. "What was that about?"

    "Alarm. I have school today." Legosi's gaze turned toward the door. He really didn't want to pass through it. He stood up slowly, stretching his body with a few audible cracks.

    "Oh, yeah. I'm so lucky I'm not in school." Louis smiled just a bit.

    "Yeah. I'm just going through all of this..." Legosi went to put on some underwear. "...For what, really?"

    "For...learning..." his fiance yawned again.

    "Yeah, but I can learn anything I want online, right? It's all for some...piece of paper that tells animals I can do a job..."

    "Well, that's society for you."

    Legosi's expression turned sour, putting on the rest of his clothes. "Yeah...the same society that doesn't accept our love."

    "I feel so lucky." He moved and hugged the pillow, his full backside exposed thanks to Legosi moving the blanket.

    The wolf looked back. "Why? Because you don't have to go to school?"


    "...Have to agree with you there." The dog pulled on the striped pants and suspenders that were so ubiquitous to Cherryton. He slid the tie on, recalling all the times his mate had grabbed it in the past.

    "I'll...wait for you..."

    "You always do..." Legosi walked into the kitchen, turning on a light on the way, and grabbed many of the premade meals that had been prepared from the fridge. He shoved it in his mouth, chewing loudly. He looked down at a stain on the carpet. "Oh...oops."

    "Hmm?" Louis' ear twitched.

    "Uh, we forgot to clean up the floor last night."

    " stuff on the flooooor?"

    "Seems like it. I mean, it had been over a week and you were...full?"

    "Blehhhh..." The deer whined. He moved a bit in the bed, curling around the pillow. "...Clean it later..."

    "Yeah." Legosi chewed on his food, staring longingly at the beautiful deer on the bed. It took all his willpower not to slip back into it and embrace him.

    Louis sighed and turned over, looking at him. "Have a good day..."

    "I...will. For you." The wolf smiled.

    "I have something else important to tell you."

    "Hm?" Legosi's ears perked up as he walked over to the bed. "What is it?"

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