Chapter 58 - Boys Night 2: I've Never Felt Like Such a Kid Before

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    Louis approached the fountain under the orange sky, remembering the few times he and Legosi had met there. He remembered what his mate had said about them meeting every night and eventually having their first kiss there. It gave him butterflies. Would it be more special, then?

    Pina soon appeared, wearing a stylish heavy jacket with a warm looking pink sweater underneath, which contrasted hilariously with his skinny jeans. He walked over to Louis, smiling. "Hey."

    Louis turned his head and the first thing he realized was that Pina was taller than him, which was strange, for a sheep. Something bounced around in his mind when he saw his big eyes and suddenly he was talking. "Hey. Look...I'm sorry for what I said before. I didn't think I'd apologize so soon but as soon as I saw you, I guess I couldn't help it. It was a sick joke."

    Pina looked at him with confusion, which on his face looked like he was about to sneeze. "What are you talking about, Louis-senpai?"

    "What I said when we first met about you getting kidnapped."

    Realization dawned in the young sheep's eyes. He smiled and put a hand on Louis' shoulder. "Ohh, wow! I never even gave it a second thought, really. But wow, the great and powerful Louis, apologizing? Should I be flattered?"

    "I'm not powerful anymore. Seems like you're the popular one, now," the deer smiled.

    "Oh? Well I'm glad you notice. I try." He smiled and pushed a stray lock away from his face. He really was pretty.

    "You try and I was forced. Quite a difference."

    "Ah, I didn't realize this conversation was that serious! Well, you got what you wanted in the end, so that's good for you."

    Louis chuckled. "You've taken attention off of me. I wanted to thank you."

    Pina took a deep breath of the cold air. "Ah, you're welcome. Now then, shall we?"

    Louis nodded and they began walking. "So...I'm Louis, by the way. I never really introduced myself, properly."

    The dall sheep took his hand, even though he didn't offer it, and shook it. "Pina. I'm sure you've heard all sorts of things about me."

    Louis shook back. "I have. I've felt bad about that joke for a while now. I don't want you to get kidnapped. Or anyone, for that matter."

    "Oh, I bet I'm on a lot of lists! Don't worry, I'm practicing my headbutt." Pina walked with a childlike whimsy, taking in the sights of the late afternoon with a bounce in his step.

    Louis scratched his cheek. "I actually took out my kidnapper's eye with a headbutt of sorts."

    Pina looked at Louis. "Ah, taking the saying 'an eye for an eye' a bit literally, I see."

    The buck put a hand on his eyepatch. "Mm..."

    Pina's face grew serious. "So...what's Legosi like?"

    "Don't even get me started!"

    "Aww, you're no fun! He's always so reserved, but ever since you two started dating it seems like he's actually got a personality! And that prank call got me really curious. I want to see the real him."

    They kept walking for a few more seconds until Louis stopped. "He's...everything. I can't even describe it. He's so thoughtful of everyone, especially myself. He's always careful to step around sore subjects...He fights for me harder than I fight for myself. He's so adorable and can be such a puppy sometimes." His lips curled into a smile as he looked at the ground, imagining his mate.

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