Chapter 44 - A Little Talk With Gon

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Some time later...

Louis was sleeping soundly. The night before had been another date night between them. They just stayed in and watched a movie, but Louis still had a good time. It didn't end in anything steamy, but it was romantic. He slept well.

Legosi slid behind him, moving his arms around him and placing his head on his shoulder, as he usually did in bed. He nudged him with his nose.

Louis mumbled. "Legosi..."

Legosi kneaded his large hands into Louis' thin stomach, rubbing the fur around. He was always more affectionate when he was tired. He sniffed Louis' ear, giving it a small lick.

Louis opened his eye, slowly. "Hey..."

Legosi brought his arms up to squeeze his chest. "I'm hungry...We should make something special today."


Legosi licked his lips, thinking of all the foods he craved.

Legosi wrapped his legs around Louis, completely embracing him. "Having some nice hot soup for this cold weather would be nice..."

Louis smiled. "Hot"

"Mhmm." Legosi rubbed his body against Louis, kissing his jawline.

Louis nuzzled him and licked his cheek. "Do you like celery?"

He blinked sleepily. "I do. Crunchy."

"It's my favorite..." The deer rubbed up and down his back to the base of his tail slowly.

Legosi squeezed tighter upon being touched in a sensitive spot. His tail thumped beneath the covers. "What do we need to make it?"

"Mmm...We can look..." He kept rubbing. Their legs were tangled as always.

Legosi felt himself dozing off again. He didn't know how he ever slept without a warm deer to snuggle.

Louis nuzzled him once more. "Hey, come on..."

"Hmm?" The wolf yawned, his mouth opening wide and smacking his lips together.

"Don't fall asleep again. I'll miss you."

"Then fall asleep with me. We can go somewhere in a dream."

He grabbed his tail and moved it through his slender hand, the soft fur rubbing against it. "You said you were hungry."

Legosi licked his lips again. "Yeah..." He sat up, all the fur on his one side matted flat. He rubbed the sleep grit from his eyes and blinked, sitting with his back hunched.

Louis sat up as well, then messed with his boyfriend's cheek fur until it was looking proper.

Legosi leaned into the touch, sighing in contentment.

His mate smiled. "Another new day."

Legosi nodded. "I have some homework, but I should be able to help with the food."

"I can help you with that. I'm pretty smart."

"Okay." Legosi slid off the bed, going to the bathroom.

Louis smiled. "Make sure you brush your teeth well!" He got up and went to the kitchen, moving sluggishly. "Hm..."

Legosi left the bathroom after he was finished, spotting the red deer looking around the kitchen. "What do we need to get?"

Louis turned to him. "Ah, hold on." He went to a drawer and opened it, searching. He pulled a little yellow card and placed it on the counter. "Shogi gave me the recipe for the soup he always made me." He looked down at the card. "I hope he's doing well..."

We're Only Animals: Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ