Chapter 7 - The Bright Star Fades in the Black Night

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It was the day after Legosi and Louis'...interesting meeting at the fountain last night. The wolf slept like a puppy, to say the least, and was generally happy all day. There was that awkward moment when he had to pretend to be a female wolf underclassman's brother to get 2 carnivores off her back, but that was the only negative thing. There was a bounce in his step as he made his way to the drama club. Only the 2nd years were meeting today, as they were going to be given an assignment for the Meteor Festival by Louis.

Legosi arrived early, as he normally did, since he usually had nothing else to do. Of course there was another reason he arrived early....Well, Louis didn't seem to be around. He was probably in his room...or just not here yet.

Not long after that the deer walked in. "Oh, Legosi-kun. What a surprise. You're usually not early."

The wolf was sitting on the floor, and as soon as Louis walked in, his tail started to wag. "Oh, well, I am usually." He looked at the time, and was surprised. "Oh, usually not this early..."

Louis just leaned back against the wall. "Was there something you wanted to talk about, then?"

Legosi's ear twitched. He recalled what he said last night, about wanting to talk more. He had meant it in a broader sense. Now, on the spot, he realized he didn't really know much about Louis, or what to talk about, or how to broach any subject to him. "Oh, uh, was your day?" Boring question.

"It's...fine so far. Did you hear? There's a new female wolf joining the drama club." Louis looked at him with a smirk.

"Oh! Yeah! Juno. I met her on the way in, actually. Some students were giving her a rough time because of that...predation incident earlier today in the city..." Legosi drooped, remembering that. It was enough for two herbivore students to stop playing checkers with him and Durham earlier. He wondered if news like that affected the animal in front of him. If it did, he definitely didn't show it.

Louis nodded. "Yeah. She seems very social. Maybe she can teach you a thing or two."

Legosi cocked his head. "I...guess." He knew it was a joke, but maybe she could? If Louis-senpai thought so, then it could be...even if it was a joke.

"Well whatever happens, make sure you're nice to her."

The canine was about to make a retort of 'of course I'll be nice to her', but after what he did to Bill, he could see why Louis might say something like that. He simply nodded in response. "I'll make her feel welcome." He laid down on his back, legs and arms splayed. He didn't know why he did this...he just felt comfortable.

Louis just looked at him. What a weird wolf...

"Louis-senpai?" Legosi ventured, staring at the ceiling and the lights above.


"Do you...mind if I ask you something...pertaining to what we talked about last night?"


"W-What would you want to do after school if you don't become the Beastar?"

"That's the beauty of not becoming the Beastar."

Legosi just grunted in acknowledgement, nodding his head against the floor and placing his folded hands on his belly. "Um, I don't know what I wanna do, but I think that's normal. You said you want to avoid fame?"

"Honestly. Yeah. But I also don't want to be alone forever."

"Hmm." It was surreal, seeing this side of Louis so suddenly. He wasn't sure how to react to it properly, but Louis kept showing it, so he must have been doing something right? The problem was he wasn't sure how to respond...

We're Only Animals: Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora