Chapter 50 - We Need to Talk, Louis!

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Louis looked over at Legosi as he stepped out of the bathroom. "Where's Haru?"

    The bunny came out from behind him. "Right here." She looked at Legosi, expectantly.

    Legosi walked over to Louis, placing his hands on his shoulders, much to the deer's confusion. "Louis, it's important that you're still alive and that you've lived your life up until this moment. The world would be lesser if you were dead."

    Louis made a face and blinked.

    "You should probably be alone." Haru gestured to the bathroom.

    "What's the matter?" The deer asked.

    Legosi looked behind him at Haru, frightened. She wanted him to do it without her as backup?

    She smiled, innocently. Legosi could do this.

    Louis furrowed his brows. "Alone? What for?"

    "We need to talk, Louis!" his boyfriend claimed, getting more anxious by the second. He didn't want to do this.

    "Huh? Well...okay."

    Haru walked back to the couch, sitting upon it and looking between the couple. "Go ahead."

    Louis looked at her then at Legosi. What could this be about? Oh...They walked into the bathroom and Legosi shut the door as Louis immediately turned around. "I know what this is about."

    Legosi stroked the side of his face. "Tell me...What's it about?"

    Louis blinked. "I didn't want it to end like this...But I get it if you feel this way..." He eyes shifted and his head turned, Legosi's hand leaving it. "I didn't think you'd break up with me so soon, but I guess I understand, seeing how problematic I am..." He rubbed his arm.

    "WH!?" Legosi squeezed Louis' shoulders. "No! No, no, no, no! I'm not breaking up with you! I love you so much, Louis! But you've been scaring me with the things you say, and your eating disorder..."

    "Eating disorder? What?" He made a crooked smile. Oh...thank goodness...

    "Yes! You never eat, and when you do, it's barely enough! It's not normal and we both know it! You've only gotten skinnier since we left Oguma's!"

    "Why does it matter?! I feel fine!"

    Legosi let out a frustrated groan. Finally confronting the deer caused the feelings he had been holding to come out. "Why doesn't it?!"

    "Because I'm fine."

    "You aren't! This won't last! I've looked it up and it can cause you to be unable to concentrate, get dizzy, give you mood swings, which you definitely have. You can have fur loss too, and I've seen a lot more of your fur in the shower, lately! It's just a fact that animals need to eat! You need to eat! This is going to catch up with you and you will need to go to the hospital!"

    "So, after all that time of hiding and not talking to me, you decide to yell at me all of a sudden?!"


    "You always back away from your problems, so why are you pretending to be brave all of a sudden?! What did Haru tell you?"

    "I'm not acting brave, Louis! I'm scared for your life! It doesn't matter what Haru told me, you need to stop acting so stubborn! You're backing away from your problems, too!"

    "I'm fine!"

    Legosi closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "It is not fine. You are not fine. You need help."

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