Chapter 51 - Reassurance From the One That Loves You

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Legosi felt nauseous. The room around him spun, and the shower curtain in front of him morphed and moved in strange ways. He rode out his sobs, feeling them subside. He heard a ringing in his ears.

Louis didn't even know where to go so he just started walking.

The large carnivore tipped himself over, curling up in a ball on the bathroom floor.

Haru quickly came in, seeing him lying there. She got on her knees next to him. "Legosi-kun..."

He just stared straight ahead, unresponsive.

"Please, get up..."

He sat back up. His arms and legs felt numb. Who was talking to him?

Haru pulled him into a hug. "Legosi. You can't let Louis disappear again. This would be the third time, now!"

"We're not meant to be together. Of course it could never work. We've only been together a month and this happened. It wasn't meant to last. We were stupid for thinking it could." Legosi's voice was monotone.

"What?! No! Go get him! He's still close!" She shoved him, gently.

Legosi laid there for a moment, looking down at the bathroom rug with empty eyes. Then something sparked in his head. It sounded deep and guttural in his mind.

Your prey is getting away. Go catch it.

He slowly stood up, knees cracking. He wiped his nose and strode out of the bathroom, past Haru, barely perceiving the area around him. He went out the front door. He had worked hard to get Louis to be his. He couldn't just leave him that easily. He sniffed the air, tracking him. He wasn't too far away...

Louis was behind a wall, sobbing. He was so ashamed of everything that had just happened. He wished he could throw himself off a cliff. At least he would never feel this way again if that happened. Maybe he should have thrown himself out that window...He couldn't stop crying. He was sniffling and messy.

Legosi walked forward a bit and turned a corner. There he was, leaning against a brick wall, crying. The wolf shook his head, dissipating his dissociative state. He decided to not think about the thought that had motivated him to come out here. He was just happy he had, now. It was true: He couldn't lose Louis.

The deer couldn't believe Legosi had said those things.

His boyfriend approached him carefully, not wanting to scare him off.

Louis didn't notice him. He was just a pathetic pile of deer at the moment.

Legosi walked over and stood in front of him, about a foot away. He didn't dare touch him, but he wanted Louis to notice he was there, eventually.

Louis had his head buried in his arms. His apron was still on, funnily enough. He sniffed.

Legosi crouched down. He guessed he had to do something. He placed his hand on Louis' arm gently.

"Go away."

Legosi sighed. "I didn't mean what I said back there...I know you love me."

"So you want me to come back so I can use you for my own benefit some more? Just leave me alone..."

"Louis, that's not what I meant. We've been through too much together for your feelings to only mean that. I know you love me..." He rubbed his arm. "It just...hurts me when you ignore when I try to help you..."

"But now I know how you really feel." He sniffed. "What's the point? I just use other animals to make myself happy and even that doesn't work."

We're Only Animals: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now