Chapter 49

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My stomach felt sour as I sat in Noch's office, waiting for Fog. It didn't help matters that Noch thought it would be a good idea to let Nelia also know about the find. I only put up half an argument at that, the day's shock didn't leave me much energy for anything else other than "Please don't", which was flatly ignored.

I also didn't like the fact that this was the second time today that I was sitting in this office. The sun was already setting outside. I would much rather have been curled up in my bed right then. I should ask Strider to come sleep with me, I want something warm to cuddle up with as I fall asleep tonight.

I was jolted out of my thoughts when the door suddenly banged open and Nelia charged in like a raging bull. "Are you alright?! I heard something happened! Why are you here? What happened?" She fired off.

"One question at a time Nelia!" I pleaded while grabbing her arms to still her examination of me. "I'm fine, I'm not hurt. Everything is alright, I hope." I muttered lastly to myself.

"You wouldn't just randomly be sitting here in Noch's office if you were alright and everything was fine." She said matter of fact as she looked me in the eye. All I could do under her scrutiny was smile weakly.

"Now, now Nelia. Let us hear what we've been called here for. I'm sure that things will be explained as soon as they have a chance to talk." Fog said smoothly as he wandered in and closed the door behind him.

"Why is it that every time I finally manage to slip into sleep, you lot always have to barge in?" another voice piped up from one of the shelves.

"What I would like to know, is why you are here every time something important is about to be discussed and not out slinking around another town." Noch said irritably from his throne of a chair.

"I chalk it up to feline luck and impeccable timing." Strider yawned as he uncurled himself from the shelf and jumped down to sit next to Fog on the opposite couch. "So what seems to be the change in development this time?"

My stomach flipped and I cringed inwardly. Saying that this was about our parents, was not something I felt comfortable doing. Not with all the evidence lying on my lap, which Nelia was eyeing curiously.

As if picking up on my reluctance to talk, Noch started off the story. "Merianna went over to your old home this afternoon." Noch said as he pointedly looked at Nelia. Her eyes went wide and she turned her gaze back to me for confirmation. I just gave a slight nod and waited for Noch to continue.

"And in doing so, found something... disturbing, if I can put it that way." He turned to me and took the cloak from my hands first. He gently unfolded the ratty cloth and displayed the insignia that was woven in on the inside. Fog and Strider both frowned at the cloth while Nelia made a small gasp and clutched my right hand tightly.

"It looks too old for it to have come off of a hunter recently. Where was this found?" Fog asked, directing his question straight to me.

I pulled my lips into a tight line, not wanting to answer, but also knowing that I had to. Taking a deep breath, I forged on before I lost my composure. "I found it underneath the stone flooring in a corner of our parent's room. It was buried in a box along with these." I said, holding up the daggers and belt I still had in my left hand. "I think it might have been our mother's."

Silence fell over the room after that little statement. Nelia put a gentle hand over mine that was clutching the belt and daggers, and carefully started loosening my fingers around them. I hadn't even noticed that I was gripping them so tightly that I had started shaking. With a sigh I placed everything back in my lap and allowed Nelia to look at the items properly.

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