Chapter 45

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I stared at the interaction between Thyrion and Noch. Noch genuinely seemed to want to strangle Thyrion till he no longer had a heartbeat. Whereas Thyrion was trying desperately to let Noch know that he wasn't going to put up any sort of fight.

"Noch, I don't think blue is a very healthy colour." I commented while Fog and Ara came sauntering towards our little group.

"He does look very close to passing out." Fog noted with a smirk.

"Blue isn't nearly bad enough... I want to see purple and then black." Noch grated out as he increased his hold a little more.

At this stage Thyrion was starting to flail in earnest, trying anything and everything to throw Noch off of him. Being deprived of air made it hard for him to summon up the strength though.

I heaved a sigh. "Noch, let the poor guy go. What did he do to you anyway?"

Just as Thyrion's eyes started rolling back, Noch suddenly let him go and he flopped onto the ground. "What did he do? He committed the greatest sin there is against me! He betrayed my trust in the ultimately worst way possible!!!" He fumed.

I could see Nana Ara trying extremely hard not to laugh while Fog just patiently bent down to the wheezing man to see if he was alright.

"So what did he do?" I asked again.

"He. Stole. My. Staff." He said furiously while looming over me.

That was it? He stole his favorite weapon? "But I do that all the time." I said curiously.

"Well Demon Child, unlike you, he got away with it, and that was a one of a kind special staff. Why do you think my current staff has so many spells on it?" He asked rhetorically.

I frowned at this, remembering once where I had tried to unravel the arsenal of spells around the staff. "You DO have an insane amount of nasty spells on that thing. It nearly took my arm off once."

"And what a glorious day that was for you to learn your lesson." He said with a huff. He promptly took Thyrion by the hood of his cloak and started dragging him along back to the trenches.

"All of this for a staff?" I asked Fog while the rest of the group followed Noch and the flailing Thyrion.

"Indeed. The staff that Noch had back then was especially unique. A soul had been forged into that weapon, literally giving it a mind of its own. Think of it as Thyrion stealing and then selling his best battle partner into slavery." Fog explained.

My eyes widened at the gravity of the theft. "Oh, that's bad."

"Yes, very bad. So it is little wonder why Noch feels the burning need to rip Thyrion into tiny little pieces."

"Well then, I can definitely see the situation from his point of view. I wonder if he will actually kill him."

"He might, or he might make some decent use of the dungeons until he gets it all out of his system." Fog commented smugly.

I was not quite sure how I was supposed to feel about that picture. The dungeons were rarely ever used, their main function was for torture or to keep bad witches contained until the Council could take charge of them.

"Won't the Nirns be taking up most of the space inside the Dungeons though?" I asked Fog as we neared the trenches once again.

"Oh, there will be no need to keep the Nirns in our dungeons. Junnie was able to contact the Council just after we received the fire message. Councilor Ferina already arrived a few minutes ago."

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