Chapter 21

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Out of breath, I staggered out of the dance and stood by the edge of the circle with a smile stretching right across my face.

I watched Nelia laugh and dance along with the other members while I clapped along with the beat for a bit. It was so fulfilling to see Nelia twirling, laughing and dancing. I was able to keep the promise I made to myself, and silently made to our parents.

I was able to find a home for us, and also become members of a new family. I grinned and wished our parents could see us now. We were witches, and proud of that fact. Within our new home, we were able to use the lessons they had taught us when we were young, and expand our knowledge even further.

Quietly, I slipped out from the ring of dancers and grabbed myself a goblet of wine before I strode down the hallway to the main doors. I loved celebrations, but sometimes, like now, I just wanted a bit of air for a minute or two.

Running my fingertips along the smooth cold stone walls of the darkened corridor, I walked up to the massive wooden double doors that used to intimidate me when I was younger. I pushed the one on the right open gently and let my eyes roam freely over the expanse of space over the clearing.

I breathed the cool night air in deeply and sighed in peace. The night air was cool against my warm skin and it smelled of damp earth and rain. The crickets were chirping happily in the grass and a small breeze played with my hair before it died down.

I walked a little ways out to the stables where there was a slight decline that rolled down into the forest. Once I reached the point on the small hill where it started to drop I sat myself down on the grass and looked out at the clearing the Order resided in and the forest that protected it.

Looking up at the night sky I knew that I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else but here. A person could try to bribe me to leave with all the riches in the world, and I would refuse them without a second thought.

The starry sky was lit up without a single cloud in sight for once, and no moon anywhere to be seen. The few torch lights that spilled out from the Order's windows barely did anything to hide the glory of the heavens above me.

I lifted my goblet up to the sky. "We made it, Mah, Pah. We found a home again. Everyone is nice too, albeit some are a little crazier than others. I promise I will keep Nelia safe. I will work hard to be better every day Mah, just like you taught me before." Bringing the goblet back down to my lips I took a deep swallow and downed all its contents.

I gasped when I pulled the goblet away from my lips, relishing the burning sensation that the wine left in its wake. I then set the simple iron goblet down neatly on the grass next to me and angled my arms behind me, putting my palms on the grass behind me, then leaned my weight into my arms as I looked over the clearing again.

"Pah would have loved this place." I murmured softly to myself as another breeze gently caressed my hair.

Closing my eyes I remembered the time when Nelia and I held our first blades under our mother's watchful eye. On that same day though we found out that weapons and fighting wasn't Nelia's preferred activity.

The time our father took Nelia and me for trips into the forest to gather herbs and other useful plants was when we discovered my complete lack of interest in that activity.

I chuckled as I remembered our parent's perplexed faces when I wandered off a little and found a bush of black berries. When I came back to the call of my mother I was stained with black berry juice and my clothes were beyond saving.

The images in my mind suddenly changed when I tried to remember some events further back. The sky was blue above my head and I was taller, more grown, and my hair was black. The sensation of flying overtook my body as a flash of a leathery wing winked in my peripheral vision.

I quickly shook my head and sat up straight in the grass. I blinked in bewilderment as the night wind blew a strong gust over me, whipping my hair out behind me. What was going on? I frowned and looked back over the clearing again, wondering if my mind was being imaginative or if it might have been something else...

I already knew that most of the witches in the order had past lives, but they always told me that their past memories came when they were still young in a new lifetime. Often times as young as 8 years old. I doubted that Nelia and I had any past lives. We would have been aware of them by now, wouldn't we?


I nearly jumped out of my skin as I turned towards the voice that called to me in the silence.

Nelia was standing in the main doorway scanning the clearing, looking for me. I lifted my hand and waved to her.

"Over here!" I called back.

She quickly raised her hand in a beckoning motion when she finally spotted me sitting on the grass close by the stables. I smiled and with a groan I picked up my goblet and got back up to my feet. I smoothed out the back of my dress which had gotten slightly clammy from the grass.

While I was getting up Nelia had taken it upon herself to come and fetch me. Her skirts were fluttering all around her as she jogged to me in excitement on unsteady legs. When she reached me her breath and skirts carried with it the strong smell of wine.

"Come on!" She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me back towards the entrance enthusiastically. I had to hobble along as I tried not to trip over both our feet.

"Woah Nelia, why the rush? Everyone is still in there, it's not like the building is going to disappear before we get there."

"I know, but I'm so excited! We can finally really call this home now!" She squealed, shaking the arm that she had in her grasp so violently that I nearly went flying sideways back onto the grass.

I laughed at her antics and went back into the building with her.

Time is on our side for now. I would be able to reflect again at another stage. I might have to let Fog or Noch know about what my mind has shown me, but for now, the celebration will continue.

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