Chapter 28

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I pushed open the heavy double doors of the Order with my magic, and carelessly waltzed in through the foyer on my way to my office, where I was planning on doing some serious sulking and strategizing with a good bottle of wine by my side. And probably a certain cat's company.

Hopefully I would be able to do that without the little menace, known as "Demon child", knowing that I had come back. Knowing the little monster, she would not give me any peace otherwise. The moment she lays eyes on me will be the moment that I would have to start ducking and diving to avoid her.

I kept my ears open for any sound of surprise or outrage that might come flying out of one of the hallways. And yet, the closer I got to my office door, the more I started to frown.

It was much too quiet...

I looked up and down the hallway that lead to my office and frowned some more. I was sure that the demon child would have been sitting in front of my office door by now if she weren't anywhere else.

While I silently started sneaking down the quiet hallway towards my door, I focused all of my attention on reaching the handle of my safe haven before any form of Hell started breaking loose.

In fact, I was so focused on to not stirring anything up that I didn't notice a black shadow moving in from behind me...

I jumped as something trailed down the middle of my back. Letting out an undignified high pitched sound, I jumped around to face my assailant. Only to stop in my tracks as I came face to face with a deviously grinning Raska.

"Why did you do that?" I asked indignantly as she leaned into my space. Damn, she always smelled good, and her flinty eyes were still able to suck me in like the first time we met during a Bounty.

"No need to be so tense Noch." She tisked as she tapped the end of my nose with her index finger playfully.

"Yes there is!" I whispered forcefully. She didn't know what it was like to have the pest pester her at every turn. Hell, Merianna was scared to death of Raska's teaching methods. Hence, why she didn't mind me too much. I might make life a little difficult for her and be a little sadistic when it came to certain training topics, and might take a bit of pleasure from her failures every now and then, but I wasn't as overly sadistic as Raska at least.

She took Sadism to a whole new level.

"There really isn't." She said nonchalantly as she cocked her hip and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yes there is!" I insisted again while checking the hall behind her, then behind me too for good measure. "She could pop out from anywhere. She's like a bloody poltergeist that strikes when you least expect it." I said in all seriousness.

Raska chuckled at my nervous state. "She's not here." Raska had obviously picked up on whom I was referring to.

"What do you mean?" I asked in astonishment. That child is always around the Order somewhere.

"Jasnine had a bounty today and she offered to take Merianna with her. Obviously when Merianna couldn't find you in this blasted building or your smithy, she jumped at Jasnine's offer." Raska shrugged as if it was the most logical thing ever.

I blinked at her. "She went with Jasnine?" I asked slowly once I remembered what bounty Jasnine had been put on.

She nodded firmly and I promptly started laughing.

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