Chapter 48

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Relaying all the information and theories over to Ferina had taken more out of me than all the battles we've had so far combined. It was times like these that made me extremely happy that I didn't accept the Council's Head Seat when it was offered to me. If I were stuck behind a desk all day long, sorting out other people's problems and trying to come up with solutions while also taking into consideration the employees under my direct order and the opinions of the other council members, I would have lost my mind within a week...

Then probably demanded that they hand the seat over to someone else in a very flashy manner. Preferably with Arasule's help.

I fell backwards into my bed and heaved a sigh as I took in my little cave of a room. After Merianna had nearly succeeded in killing me in my sleep one night I had opted to create a space for myself within the castle walls that only I would be able to enter. Accessing it was basically the same as melding through the castle's floors, horizontally. While looking around at my mounds of books, weapons and clothing scattered about the place it made me think that I actually much preferred this room to my old one.

A sudden light blinded me, and with a surprised yell I went rolling over the bed to the opposite side to take cover from the brightness. After a second or two the light faded enough for me to chance opening my eyes again.

Peeking over the edge of my bed I saw that it was none other than Merianna's self-proclaimed guardian. "What on earth are you doing in my room?! And how the hell did you manage to slip past my wards in the first place?!" I yelled.

"I apologize for the intrusion Nochtandriel, and yes your wards are very impressive, they gave me some trouble getting in."

"They were supposed to fry you to a crisp! Not merely give you trouble!!!"

"Regardless Nochtandriel," Hezerial went on, completely ignoring my statement "I have need of your help."

This made me pause for a second. "My help? Did the Demon Spawn get herself into trouble or something."

"No, nothing like that. She had requested me to take her to her old home in the woods earlier."

I frowned at this. Never once had Merianna shown any interest at all in going back to the place she had grown up in. Especially after we had managed to find her sister and chase off the Wraith. "What did she want there?"

"I am not sure, but after she had gathered some items and told me to bring her back, she has not spoken to me once. She refused to even acknowledge Jasnine who tried to speak to her as she marched straight to her room. My Lady had closed the door in my face and locked herself in her room since then." The poor angelic looked absolutely heartbroken and worried out of his mind.

I smirked. "She'll be fine if you leave her be. She's young after all. Emotions run high and tantrums run rampant when you're that age. Maybe she just decided she needed some time to herself, especially with you hovering so close by every day." I said with a shrug as I clambered back onto my bed to make myself comfortable again.

"If that was what she wished then she needn't shut me out like this. Something is wrong, I'm truly worried for her." He said and started pacing in front of my bed. "After she came out of the structure, it was almost as if she wasn't registering anything around her anymore. She seemed completely unaffected by whatever was around her. To me at this time, she feels dead. Usually I am able to pick up on her feelings and some whispers of her thoughts, but now, I feel nothing..."

This made me frown. The way he was describing her, it sounded like she had found something, or seen something that might have been too much for her emotions to handle. And that was so very unlike her.

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