Chapter 61

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Stepping on the earthen ground of the forest again felt like I was in a recurring dream. Now that I thought about it, it wasn't that long ago when Thyrion followed me out into this forest the first time around.

"Thyrion, you go and look around the Village to see if you can find anything there. I'll go around the forest's edge to see if anything might be hiding around there again." I said as I started sauntering off to where I had come across Dermon in the forest that first time.

"Oh no you don't." Thyrion said as he caught the collar of my shirt from behind.

"What are you doing?!" I demanded.

"You aren't going to go off and have all the good adventures without me again. Trouble seems to follow you around like a desert spider follows your shadow." I looked up at him questioningly.

"A desert spider?"

He blinked down at me. "Have you ever been to a desert?" I shook my head. "Ever seen a Lion?"

I thought back for a second and nodded. "Sketched in one of the Library's books."

Thyrion gave me a dubious stare. "You are out here fighting powerful ex-Council members, Demons, roaming battlefields and taking Bounties.Yet you haven't really stepped foot out of Eriu before?"

I shrugged. "No one in the Order ever thought that it was needed. Probably since I'll be sent to other places through Bounties anyway." That was my reasoning in any case. Not that the topic ever came up with the others.

He raised his eyebrow at me. "I think the reason is more likely because they all have unlocked their past memories and were all over the Realm in all their previous lives. So to them nothing is essentially new, and they probably assumed that would apply to you too. Have you unlocked any past memories?"

"Nope. None. Nothing at all. Well I have vivid dreams sometimes, but nothing that makes any sense. And nothing that's like the other members in the Order."

Thyrion heaved a heavy sigh. "Everyone in the Order has gone through the Crystaline Memory spell in the early stages of their past lives. It pulls their memories to the front of their consciousness at a certain age of their new lives. So you're saying that you don't have anything like that?"

"Nope. Fog had explained it to Nelia and me when we first came and started learning. We also had the spell performed on us not too long ago, but it doesn't look like we have any past lives to speak of really."

"So you're telling me... that you and your sister are complete newbloods, yet you are as talented and skilled as someone that had multiple past life experiences?"

I shrugged again. "Raska, Nana Ara, Fog and Noch are ruthless teachers?" I supplied as an explanation. "In any case, we're here to work, not for you to figure me out."

He frowned down at me with a slight pout. "I wonder if I will ever come to understand you."

I smirked and started wandering further into the trees. "Well, with the way you are now, I won't mind being your friend. So you can then have all the time you like trying to solve your mystery." I was actually getting more comfortable with Thyrion lately. He seemed to have dropped all pretenses of being someone else and rather looked to be himself more often.

He gave a chuckle and followed after me as I made my way to the place where I had previously found the gate marker. I stretched my senses over the area, but couldn't find anything new lingering on the astral plane. Everything was still, there weren't any new energy flares to signal new or changed circumstances.

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