Chapter 66

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All the while I was jogging down the castle's hallways I hoped I would spot Fog just around the next corner. I didn't want to run into Junnie again. I hated that I noticed her forced expressions and changes in her behaviour. I had started to think that she was a somewhat amazing person, and even started getting accustomed to her over-the-top affection. I wondered why though, why would she be saying things she didn't mean.

While so deep in thought, I rounded a corner and thumped into something hard and warm. I almost lost my balance before warm hands steadied me.

"Merianna dear. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Fog asked in surprise.

"Oh, Merianna!" Jasnine uttered in surprise from behind him.

"Hi! I didn't expect to run into you like this." I said while rubbing my nose. Then I noticed that it looked like they were heading somewhere with a purpose. "Where are you guys off to?"

"We're on our way to Noch's smithy, why? Did you need me for something, little one?" Fog asked with a raised eyebrow. He clearly knew that I was practically bursting to tell him something.

"Yes, I want to tell you something, but," I said as I hooked my arm in with Fog's, "if you two are off to see Noch then I might just as well come along with both of you. Two birds with one stone!"

Jasnine and Fog both gave me questioning looks, but said nothing more as I tagged along with them to Noch's smithy. I was starting to wonder how many times was going to walk to his smithy within this one day.

After we reached Noch's smithy, Jasnine stepped forward and knocked loudly. "Noch I'm back!" She yelled.

"It ain't locked, just come in!" We heard Noch yell from the depths.

At that, Jasnine opened the door and waltzed in without another word. I followed in closely behind her and Fog and spotted Noch just as he was securing a chain around my small scythe.

"Is it finished?!" I asked excitedly.

Noch turned around in surprise and glowered at me. "What the Devil are you doing here, Demon Spawn? Didn't I shoo you away not too long ago?"

"I do what I want." I quipped back, just to rile him a little. I saw him roll his eyes in irritation and stopped him just before he could toss me out again. "I actually have something very important to share with you."

Noch raised his eyebrow skeptically as I closed and locked the door. He also noticed it when I enveloped the space in a sound blocking barrier. "What have you gotten yourself into this time?"

"Well, to be honest I'm not sure, and I'd love to get all your opinions on it." I recounted the walk I took on the pathway and the conversation I had with Junnie. I made sure to also tell them about the small things I picked up during the exchange. Noch, Fog and Jasnine all listened intently and their expressions went from mere interest to glowering the more I shared.

After I was done, Noch heaved a tired sigh and leaned back into his working table. "And here I thought things could be straightforward for a change."

"This certainly is troubling. Especially since Merianna's instinct in these sorts of things has never been wrong before." Fog added in as he also seemed to fall deep into thought.

"To be honest, I don't find it too surprising. It makes perfect sense." Jasnine sighed.

"What do you guys mean?" I asked.

"You are too young to know this but Junnie and Dermon used to be intimately connected with each other back when they were in the council. Many things happened back then but, I will completely understand if Dermon found a way to take advantage of that. Junnie I thought would have more self-control but, if she is the spy that is leaking our information to the enemy because of past relations, then we can't sit still about it." Jasnine explained.

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