Chapter 74

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The more Dermon evaded my blade, the more the anger inside of me seemed to boil. He had yet to try to make a strike against me. All he had been doing was dodging my attacks by a hair's breadth, as if to mock me and remind me of the gap of power that stretched between us.

I needed to land at least another clean hit. I wanted to see him bleed so badly that I could barely stand it.

As I swung my blade at him again at speeds that normal people wouldn't be able to dodge, he simply smiled and moved out of the blade's path at the last moment. If I weren't staring at the man that had ruined my life, I might've felt like I was sparring with Noch. Not even my wide range spells had any effect on him even though I could see my attacks shaking the structure of the barrier and cave.

Before anyone else managed to get this far into the caves, I wanted to make Dermon bleed. I needed to inflict as much damage on him as he had inflicted on my family. For that, I needed to be faster. I needed to catch up to his movements. I needed to be faster than him.

I could feel the current of my element buzzing throughout my body. If only I could move as fast as the lightning itself. Just as that thought burned through my mind, I finally managed to swing my scythe just that small fraction faster.

Dermon lightly touched the left side of his cheek and seemed surprised that there was actually a small bit of blood that appeared on his fingertips. A sneer started slowly stretching across his face as he glanced back at me, panting across from him.

"I will say this again, young one. You are exceptionally interesting. I truly would love to have you by my side." He remarked as he licked the blood off his fingers.

I huffed in disgust. "That will not happen. Not even when I end up in a coffin."

"How unfortunate." Smirking, he lifted his hand and sent a shock of air exploding into me.

The force of the sudden blast of air felt like I had been hit by a solid stone wall. I had no control over my body as I went careening into the barrier that was still encircling the cavern. I couldn't believe that he did this to me again. How many times was I going to be sent flying by this guy? The ringing in my ears that accompanied the impact was starting to get on my nerves.

I squinted up at him, only to find that my vision was blurry. I must have been hit harder than I thought this time. I could make out his mouth moving, as if he was telling me something, but I couldn't hear anything over the incessant ringing.

His silhouette seemed to get closer as I tried to quickly regain my senses. Only, it didn't happen fast enough. Before I knew it, I felt a strong hand grip my throat and restrict my breathing.

Furiously, I swung my arm out to slash him with my weapon, only to have it effortlessly knocked out of my grasp. The pain that accompanied the action told me that Nelia was going to be furious once I ended up in her hands.

Desperately I tried scratching or twisting the arm that had a hold of me. Feeling around for my magic didn't seem to work either. It was as if the contact that Dermon had with my skin buried my magic under a thick layer of sludge that I couldn't reach through. I had the nagging feeling at the back of my thoughts that it was because of fear. Pure, unadulterated fear.

He was sneering at me with his teeth bared in a ridiculous imitation of a smile. It was while I was being pinned in this helpless state that I heard a thunderous boom ricochet around the space we were in.

I could barely make out where the sound was coming from, but hoped that it was because of Hezerial trying to get to me.

Dermon dragged his eyes away from my reddening face and smirked to himself. "Looks like you are saved once again little new blood."

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