Chapter 73

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"Who would've thought that infiltrating a Warlock hideout would be so easy?" I commented while dragging the latest paralysis victim to the makeshift pile.

"Truthfully, I thought it would've been a lot harder than this." Jernok answered as he made sure all the members of our team were still accounted for.

"I wonder how Raska's team is doing on the other end?" Arasule asked with a smile as she tied the victims up with a new rope she was testing out.

"Probably as well as we can expect under these conditions." Jasnine commented while helping her.

"I'm also worried about the second group. Are you sure it was wise to have the both of us in this one group?" Jernok worried.

"Ag stop worrying would you? Arasule and Jasnine aren't worried, she's actually wondering how many Warlocks they could've taken out by now." I answered while rolling my eyes. Jernok never did understand the way we did things at the Order.

"I won't lose to them!" Arasule piped up in excitement while Jasnine giggled along. Clearly showing Jernok that my guess was the right one.

Jernok rubbed the bridge of his nose in irritation. All I could do was smirk at his obvious worries. "And this is the reason why you are a better Councilor than I could have been." I commented as I turned to head deeper into the caves again.

I heard Jernok's sudden gasp of disbelief at what I said. If he didn't want to believe me then that was his loss. I could only help mend a relationship in so many ways. He was bound to get frustrated with me again soon anyway.

"I guess we can count our lucky stars with the fact that this isn't the main branch of the Dark Warlocks." One of the council members in the team commented with a sigh.

"That is no excuse to let down your guard. We need to stay vigilant, especially since Dermon is hiding somewhere in here as well." Jernok clipped as he followed behind me.

"Looks like your people tend to get lax easily Jernok!" I grinned as I looked over my shoulder at his irritated expression.

"You know what, maybe I should send them over to the Order for a course of training after all this is done." He replied seriously.

"Now there is something I didn't expect to hear coming from you!" I was truly surprised actually.

"You'll need to talk to Fog about that though. You know that he won't accept them for free!" Arasule called out from behind. "Torture doesn't come cheap after all!"

The other Council members that were in our team didn't seem to understand what kind of hell their leader had signed them up for. They were just following along with confused expressions covering their faces.

"I'll give him whatever he asks for. At least the one thing I can't fault the Order for is the quality of the people that come out from there. Just be sure to return them alive and in one piece afterwards." Jernok admitted half-heartedly.

"Great to hear that!" I laughed. "I'm looking forward to seeing some fresh meat! And don't worry, the Ga's and their little apprentice will make sure that any severed limbs are back before any permanent damage is done."

The only reply that came from that was Jernok's groan. He was a hardass most of the time, but it seemed that we were on the right track to becoming good acquaintances again. Becoming friends would be a long hurdle for the both of us.

A sudden flash of light in front of me nearly sent me careening into the tunnel walls. My body reacted instinctively and I brought my blades down upon the source of the light in front of me. I was surprised when a pair of hands firmly gripped mine before I could do any harm.

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