Chapter 42

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"And...?" I asked while standing in the doorway of Noch's office with a muscle starting to jump under my eye. "What on earth is going on here?"

"A meeting of course." Noch said nonchalantly as he drank from a goblet.

"Is that so?" I asked while I took in the scene in front of me.

"Of course it is deary. I might not look it but I'm a close confidant of councilor Ferina. My name is Junnie, nice to meet you." Said the devastatingly dressed woman in the office space while sipping from a wine glass in her pristine clutches.

I couldn't take it anymore... "Where in your lives does a meeting require the visitor to sit on your lap?!!!" I yelled at Noch.

He just smirked as he snaked his free arm around Junnie's trim waist. "Close friends are always welcome to sit on each other's laps!" He laughed.

Junnie didn't even slap his hand away. She just giggled right along with him while leaning into his space some more.

"Are you adults never shameful in this place?!!! I swear!" My face was probably red at this point. Not just that, but the bodice of Junnie's red dress was ridiculously low for some reason. Why? Why did she have to drag it low enough to risk something falling out?! Why on earth did she have to look like she had just stumbled out of a Brothel??? Why did her black hair have to look like it had been thoroughly messed with? My thoughts were going in so many circles that I almost didn't hear what she said next.

"Is she still a virgin?" She asked Noch.

"She is indeed. Poor thing can't manage to nab a man even if her life depended on it." He replied with an exasperated tone.


"What love life? You have to have one first for me to be able to wiggle myself in there!" Noch's guffaw nearly had me jumping over the clutter in his office and giving him a shock strong enough to cook him where he sat.

"You can be glad that I don't feel like killing a stranger while aiming at you right now..." I said with an evil smile stretching my face. Just imagining him being burned to a black crisp was enough to lift the sides of my lips.

"Oh my! She really IS a spitfire!" Junnie said with her fingers over her mouth and her eyes pulled open wide while observing me.

Even Noch was blinking in my direction. "She is indeed, but I must say. The black hair really does make her look more evil. She looked a lot more innocent with her white blonde locks."

"Her hair is white blonde?! How intriguing why is it now black." She studied me some more while I stood there stewing in my anger.

"Oh we had to dye its colour for an important bounty."

Before I knew it, I was being enveloped in folds of red silk and warm soft skin. "My what a cutie!!! How long will it take until the black washes out?! I would love to see her with her natural hair colour!"

"Wha- What are you-?!" I shouted while trying to pull away from the woman's monstrous grip. "Let go of me! I don't know you, and right now I don't WANT to know you!"

"You can give up Merianna. Once she sees something or someone she likes, it's almost impossible to escape her clutches. Literally!" Noch said with a grin as he downed the rest of his drink.

"I refuse to be treated like this!" I twisted and turned to try and see if there was any way for me to get loose at all, but every time an arm was free or my body found some sort of space, I was instantly re-wrapped.

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